constantly working can inevitably waver our focus and lead to reduced output. Do you have any tips/tricks which can help to prevent or overcome such issues during the work week
Music. Sometimes I find myself with youtube distracting me (thinking I can just listen to it in the background) and I realize I'm watching more than working.
So I come to my senses and switch to music only and can get back to working effectively again.
Try to take 10 min break every hour and make sure to love your work to maintain focus. If you're not loving your work it is difficult to focus your mind. If possible, take a 30-40 min deep nap between your work day.
I try to load myself up with work, as soon as I realize that I have time to do everything, my productivity drops. If I have a lot of work, I work full time, maybe I'm a workaholic? :))
@notanothervivek I agree with you, you need rest... but when you're going for your dream, you have a startup and a team of developers behind you, I can't rest...
By having a good night sleep. If you're living with your better half, sleep in separate bedrooms during work week and have your last meal six hours before you hit the sack for high quality sleep. At least for me this really helped. Got these tips from a therapist.
Drink Maté.
Physically walk between the office and home to shift your mind.
Plan low-focus tasks in the middle of your day (for example check product hunt discussions).
Play board games.
Create and maintain a morning routine. Don’t stop socializing. Customize your environment.
Take breaks and go outside if you can? Feed your brain. Eat blueberries and other fruits and vegetables, plus seafood. Work your brain just as you work your body. Focus on the value you bring to your position and the company.
Highlight your strengths, your commitment to the job, and your accomplishments.
Thank You.
Jerry Gallegos "Click One to Get it"
I try and incorporate something fun into my days. Wordle has been a good one, and this is what Spark'n ⚡ is all about too which is nice. Enjoying a 15 min Spark as part of a regular team meeting makes the day way more fun and changes it up enough to keep the mind fresh 🙌
@vivek I have recently incorporated this activity in my working hours to keep myself engaged and more focused I usually try solving some Sudoku and rubik cube. This have really helped me in keeping my mind sharp as well as relaxed at the same time.
You have to take time for you. Personally, if I don't get a daily workout and a short half mile walk in.... the compounding issues of overworking seem to never get better. Also, have a 16oz glass of water as soon as you get up - caffeine later.
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