Ask for a testimonial at the happiest moment during a customer’s experience with your product.
Prioritise video testimonials when you can. They are far more effective than text-based testimonials.
There are so many tools that make this easy. StoryPrompt is one of them:
@rajanverma use the Airtable web clipper and create a gallery of all your testimonials… then embed that on your website or link to it however you’d prefer :)
Not sure how effective this is at the moment but have seen folks share early invites through Polywork opportunities and get testimonials using them. Since polywork is still an unexplored territory by the crowd, chances of getting quality reviews is higher.
@siddharth_shivkumar Yep, I tried it!
Polywork is really great for testimonials.
Once I posted an opportunity, it was feautured on their Twitter account. I got 100+ testimonials over night 🤯
@basv Pretty low via LinkedIn. Emails we've had great responses because we reach out to people we've worked with before of course, so because of that relationship, they don't mind dropping reviews/testimonials for us.
This is what has worked quite well for me, through years:
Don't ask for testimonials as a favor, but ask your customers if there is anything, even small, that they want you to improve.
Mention to them that you valuate criticism even more than praise.
This will trigger them to speak out, it's in human nature.
Here is a quick, easy and free way of getting video testimonials:
add video/audio record buttons to the contact page of your website, and invite customers to leave reviews there.
All you need to do, is copy/paste a few lines on code in your existing Contact page.
This service is from the product that I will be launching here soon :)
You should definitely try Feedspace. it is a versatile customer feedback platform designed to aggregate various forms of feedback and content, including texts and videos. It acts as a centralized hub for gathering content feedback, testimonials, reviews, assignments, interview screening, and more. This one-stop solution proves crucial for businesses, supporting functions such as feedback collection, automating recruitment processes, crafting effective marketing strategies, fostering product growth, and streamlining information gathering into a cohesive feed.
LinkedIn DMs & FB Groups are a great way to get testimonials for Products.
PS - Thanks for letting me know about Polywork. Didn't know it existed until now!
I think it really just starts with happy users. If users love your product, getting a testimonial should be as easy as asking, if they haven't already proactively given you some good quotes from their feedback. The real challenge is, how to find those users / evangelists!?
The following Six tips might help:
1. Ask right away
2. Use follow up emails
3. Incentivize your review requests to get more responses
4. Text message
5. Links on your website
6. Thank you page
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