One way to encourage people to be candid when discussing their experiences with your product is to create a safe and comfortable environment for them to share their thoughts and feelings. This could involve providing them with a set of ground rules for the discussion, such as ensuring that everyone's opinions are respected and that there is no judgment or criticism. You could also encourage open and honest communication by actively listening to what people have to say and responding in a supportive and non-defensive way. Additionally, you could try using open-ended questions and prompting techniques, such as asking people to describe their experiences in detail or to share specific examples of how they have used your product. Finally, you could consider offering incentives or rewards for people who are willing to be candid and provide valuable feedback, such as discounts on future purchases or special access to new features or products.
You need to find the right people and set the expectations. I usually start by setting the agreement that they should be impartial and share their genuine feedback.
Threat Modeling e-book