It just became interesting to promote a product through podcasts and wondered how well the method worked.
Maybe someone has come across and tried using podcasts.
Podcasts can be goldmines for leads, if done right. They offer a more personal, direct way to reach potential customers. But they need solid promotion and SEO to actually get heard.
We haven't tried podcasts, however, I do listen to quite a few. As a listener, I think it's a pretty good idea, but you need to invest quite some resources to make it good. There are so many podcasts coming out left and right, the market is starting to become oversaturated. So it's really important to have unique ideas and passionate hosts with insightful thoughts.
Think of the questions your target audience has. Myself, whenever I see an ad/post for a new podcast, my first question is "Why should I listen to this podcast and not (insert another one in the same niche)?"
@heleana I agree with you because I often listen to podcasts myself and the market is starting to oversaturate with the same kind of podcasts. Another problem is that podcasts that are less good do not want to take new founders of startups :(