Mostly find new shows after their hosts are guests on shows I already listen to. I'd say ~75% of my subscriptions happened this way.
Others are a mix of social media sources:
- Smb I follow starts a podcast
- Smb recommends a certain episode
Pain points: Finding shows via search for a specific guest. For example, if I hear somebody interesting as a guest on a show, and want to find more shows they've been on.
I use this app called the âpodcast appâ it has tab on the podcasts profile that shows you related podcasts.
Also Iâm very much into podcasts to the point where I listen podcasts that talk about other podcasts.
I used to use a app called Podz where it use to play a small clips of random podcasts. This is the place I use to find some thing interesting to listen to. Spotify eat them and didnât get anything out of it yet. I find it hard to go on any regular podcast app discovery section and look for something new.
Believe it or not, I discovered many podcasts thanks to the YouTube platform. Some creators make content on other channels (duplicating the content to gain more followers, subscribers, listeners etc.). Also, I know about some podcasts thanks to reading books (as the source of information).
Luna Ring
minimalist phone: creating folders