Mitesh Rajpure

How do you balance your daily activities with work and other responsibilities?


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Shweta Pradhan
Managing work and the house becomes difficult at times. But I try to do other work on weekends and find time with family too.
Uma Venugopal
Time blocking. Treating "family time", time with friends, "me time" as seriously as your work making it non-negotiable.
Shaifali Mehta
@uma_venugopal agree. Family time and me time should be non negotiable
Uma Venugopal
@psd you can plan it in a way that external stimulators don't really interrupt your personal time. There is no "perfect" solution but for example, you can always plan to wake up early to get that extra 3-4 hrs in the morning to fill your mind and body with stuff like meditation/books/workouts/side hustles.
aakash sahu
Make space in your schedule for family time.
Karan bhansali
@aaka I used to work on weekends, but have started spending time with friends and family.
Shaifali Mehta
I also want to learn this ๐Ÿ™ˆ i just keep rushing but i make sure that i make notes so that I donโ€™t forget but ya managing time for everything becomes difficult at times
Ayush Agrawal
A packed calendar helped in the last couple of weeks with blocking time as easy as sending a slack message and having my AI assistant manage time for myself. I'm building something in the same lines so becomes easy to test as a user too. Let's chat if this interests you