Pradeep CE

How do you accept form submissions on your static site?

I have developed — and currently host — several static websites, which always need some version of a contact form. How do you handle form submissions on your static website? How do you work with that data? Which services do you use? What are some pain points you have with doing all this, that haven't yet been addressed? Would love to hear your thoughts. This is my first post, so a big hello 👋 to the PH community!

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Naveen Honest Raj
Most of my static sites are hosted in Netlify and I use Netlify's form there. I get less than 100 submissions in a month, so it worked out well for me on Free plan.
Pradeep CE
@nav_devl Netlify Forms seem great. One thing I seem to miss though, is the ability to give non-tech people access to the form submissions so they can work on them.