Cristina Imre

How are you preparing for a recession?


We still don't know which scenario will fold out and if we're going into recession or an inflationary nightmare. Either way, a recession seems very likely at this point. How does your business or you as an individual prepare for that? There is no need to panic, only appropriate preparation. A recession brings tons of opportunities.

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Rich Watson
As an individual- start preparing for long term investments on selected stocks. Good time to start figuring out what to play and the area of value, then just wait for better market conditions. Don't even have to work for the return being made, just need the capital. (And the will to risk said capital)
During a recession, the economy struggles, people lose work, companies make fewer sales and the country's overall economic output declines. The point where the economy officially falls into a recession depends on a variety of factors. DQFanSurvey
myFailures Wall
Hey folks, as a "digital savy" DeFi + NFTs + Crypto... play as lose... I have concerns about: How might could I find the right SOLUTION for my custodian-digital credentials {password, login & 2fa} for all my LONGTERM investments... because I buying when is cheap and waiting for growth revenue? Maybe, my on day kids gain my current "lose" investment... and how they get my digital inheritance?
Markus Jenul
We created a post aroudn 12 Must Have's For B2B Sales Teams To Win During a Recession let me know if you want to get access
Sara Perri
Subway is demonstrating its commitment to creating a dining experience that prioritizes its customers by implementing several initiatives, such as an online community and the Subway Listens surveys.