Maria Noemi Hernandez

Have you had to adjust your marketing strategies to fit different cultures?

My answer is yes! I'm from Venezuela and I started working in the marketing world when I was living in Chile. Even though I spoke the same language, it was a challenge to adapt my "marketing language" and tactics to the Chilean market. I started watching local tv, and subscribing to every newsletter I could find. I'm not even gonna tell you how it was after moving to Germany 😂 What about you? Can you share some examples of how you've done this successfully?

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Joel Cooper
100% yes. be it a client from Egypt, Saudi, India or Europe. Each one's communication style is different some prefer direct to the point messages where as others prefer going round the clock as they're not that open to communicate in the first go. So this definitely does have a direct impact on marketing strategies too, after all they are all drafted to communicate well and build a relationship with the customer.