M Basit Mehtab Awan

Have you ever tried video prospecting?


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Charlotte Nicolaou
I've tried video prospecting once at a previous company. We used an AI tool that recorded the sales person's voice and allowed for personal details of the prospects to be added into the videos (like name, company etc). They were then sent to the prospects to ask them to book a meeting. It went really well in terms of the number of meetings book, well over double what previous outreach methods had achieved. What I would say is the AI technology was not quite there, the videos weren't flawless. But it will only get better. I can't remember the name of the tool unfortunately.
Adeeb Malik
Launching soon!
Hey, that sounds quite interesting, I've read a few things about it. Can you tell me more about it, how it should be used, the approach, etc? I'd love to have it in my arsenal! And use it for DocXter...