Ghost Kitty

Have you ever failed at something and what did you learn from the experience?


We have all failed many times in our lives, and every time we fail, we learn something new from it. Please share your experiences of times when you failed and what you learned from it.

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Dylan Merideth
I fail all the time, and therefore I learn all the time. Specifically, failing in biotech entrepreneurship taught me about risk, capital, development pipelines, and the value in boring business models, because they work.
Luis Hernandez Peña
When I was in college, I was practically unable to speak in public. As you can imagine, this situation caused me countless inconveniences and great insecurity. My first job was as a teacher and the first day I was terrified. But against all odds, my classes were a success. Thanks to amazing students and being able to face my initial fears, I realized that public speaking is about focusing solely on the message you want to convey and completely forgetting what they will be thinking about you.
Andrew Isherwood
Loads, but the one that sticks with me is an interview for a mid-level role at Amazon. I got asked what the semantic web was (this was quite a while ago and they were on about semantic HTML). I, with total confidence, gave an explanation of BEM notation. The rest of the interview followed the same pattern. If you're going to fail at something, best to do it at speed and with conviction :D
I have failed a lot of times, and I feel lessons taught by failure are very impactful. I have failed in various competitions and sports events and every failure kept me on track and made me a better person.
LiteBlue USPS
Explain what happened clearly and quickly. Take responsibility and don't make excuses for the failure. Show what you learned from the experience. Talk about how you've used the experience to become better at your job and to avoid similar mistakes.
Denis Pimenov
I, like everyone else, have made mistakes and failed. But life taught me a few commandments: 1. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. 2. Negative experience is also an experience. 3. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
LiteBlue USPS
Explain what happened clearly and quickly. Take responsibility and don't make excuses for the failure. Show what you learned from the experience. Talk about how you've used the experience to become better at your job and to avoid similar mistakes.
How about the time I spent a day trying to debug a hft app only to find I was compiling the wrong source code. Lesson learnt LOOK AT THE DATE!! or the time that we were convinced that our configuration process ( used multiple queues) was so obvious we could skimp on the documentation to favor coding new functionality. BIG mistake! Lesson learnt, hire someone who doesn't code and can explain things in non coder terms. OR we were so convinced that one of our "dark" projects was so good that everyone would want to use it. WRONG! Lesson learnt, figure out a way to test the water. You probably aren't the only one to have spotted the approach. If you don't look out of the window you miss so much.
Bhavna Singh
Worked on my last startup for around 4 years. It was a deep tech startup with a challenging product. I was able to create a great solution that actually worked but failed at getting clients. Learned a valuable lesson that I can't do everything alone. Starting solo is not the best idea. Understood the saying - "If you want to go fast, go solo. If you want to go far, go with people."
login saga
Please explain what took place in a concise and clear manner. Accept your share of the blame and resist the urge to offer explanations for the defeat. Demonstrate how you've grown as a result of the experience. Discuss the ways in which you have applied the experience to improve your performance at work and to steer clear of making mistakes of a similar nature in the future.