Hey, Yes product hunt has helped us a lot. On the launch of IndieBrands we received over 1.000 unique visitors. To this day it's still our 2 highest referral source with over 1.500 users.
Besides that indiehackers was also a great referrer
@yosefora Hey, the biggest impact was propably the social network of my partner. He's been building product for quite a while now & he has build quite a community. He believes in building in public etc. which helped him grow to great margins.
He posted the product and a lot of questions on indiehackers aswell shared it all on twitter & we helped sharing it.
Socialize and good things will happen.
I didn't have a real successful launch for unscatter.com, appears I can't even link it using the !Unscatter tag, which is disappointing. I guess I need to just keep learning how this site works.
Yes, i use many products listed in PH, both in my projects as well as personally, and also have connected to many people here who have good knowledge about their domain.
Carpio 2.0