Cristina Bunea

Grading our YC application from S20 (raised $24M after)


hey PH 👋 this week we did something fun at CommandBar that i thought other makers might find useful. we dug through the archives and resurrected the application that got us into YC a little over three years ago and did an ex-ante assessment of our application (“how good was the application given the information we had at the time") for some context: i'm a yc alum (went through yc in S19) who joined CommandBar to work on Growth. i've seen hundreds of yc apps (and helped improve some of them), so happy to answer any general questions you might have. I'll also get James to jump in if you've got any specific Qs related to CommandBar's application!

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Aditya Saxena
that's pretty awesome - can i reach out to you to get a review on my app :)
Cristina Bunea
@asaxena1415 hey! sure thing. can you shoot me a message on linkedin?
It's always interesting to see how things have evolved over time and to reflect on the journey.
Jacopo Proietti
Super helpful article Cristina! Appreciate your effort and willingess to share with others
Ashrey Ignise R
Loved the blog post Cristina! I've applied to YC before and didn't get in but will be trying again now that we've made some progress. It's nice to actually see a successful application instead of just hearing "tips and tricks"
Reid C
Thanks for sharing this! This is super helpful
Kostya Bolshukhin
Cristina thanks for sharing! It's awesome that you share sone backstage
Awesome idea and I bet YC was amazing! Thanks
Faith Morante
Hi Can I reach out to you in LinkedIn and take a look at my product? :3
Natasa Bujosevic
Love the post, super useful!