George B. Aleesu

Got my LinkedIn network to 2200 this year, my goal now is👇 What about you?

To reach 10K connections next year. How about you?? We can grow together. connect with me @ Check out George Aleesu’s profile on LinkedIn And don't forget to drop your link, will definitely reach out!

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George B. Aleesu
Drop your link let's connect! :)
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@rhexai heads up - it seems to be a dead link in the comment - my link for anyone looking to connect!
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@rhexai so weird - I am getting this "This page doesn’t exist Please check your URL or return to LinkedIn home."
😬🤣 My goal is to actually create and recreate my LinkedIn and social media profiles that I had basically stop using or just ignored for a good while now. I keep saying I am going to do it, but I always put it on the back burner, my research project has just completed today, so I will be doing that for my new year/down time.
Aleksa Tešić
Got to about 400 connections and 500 followers since I've started writing about our progress publicly. So I guess that's cool?
George B. Aleesu
@imafikus Yeah man, that's a nice start! It's a great thing you share your progess as well! Nice way to build your audience 🖒