Martina Hackbartt

Founders: What's one piece of advice you'd give to your younger self?


Hey, happy Monday! The path to becoming a founder varies from person to person, but it's clear that most people wish they had known some important things back then. So, what would you say or advise to younger you? 🚀 P.S.: we are hosting a series of interviews with startup founders. Join us to share your inspiring journey, empower others, and collaborate on valuable content. If you're interested, comment "🤝" and I'll reach out to you!

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“Don’t forget Mark, no one gives a shit about your business except you”. Best advice I ever had…
@solvedvisuals it’s nuanced for sure. But it’s also helped me invest as I look for founders that know this and are driven mainly by internal factors rather than external.
Carlos Rodrigues
@redeye thats true, cause the external factors come and go super easily but having those key internal ones that keep a person going, it what makes the difference
Femi Omoluabi
I would say; "Seek Knowledge Voraciously." I grew up in Nigeria and still live in Nigeria. So I know from first hand experience what it feels like to live in the darkness of the 3rd world and what it feels like to consciously experience discovery of "civilization." For example: Though I was blessed to have a computer and internet pretty earlier than others in Nigeria (thank God for my wonderful parents), I didn't have a computer and internet until I was about 20 and in university. Yet, because I didn't have the benefit of growing up in a culture or society with computers, I didn't understand what search engines were for. So I had Yahoo/Google in front of me but I would spend my savings buying books to learn "stuff" and the books I could afford to get which were the best available in Nigeria were old publications. Imagine that I was reading about marketing online from a book that was written 10 years previous to that time. I was consuming and planning on old dead ideas when Google search was right in front of me. But I didn't know what they were used for or how to use them for Year. By the time I realized their use, I had been walking miles in the opposite direction to my dreams. So now, I consume "current" knowledge like a hungry lion.
Nacho Franchini
Buy more Bitcoin!!! :)
Shawn Cao
Hey young man, put this first before everything else: learn how to love, learn how to give, and learn how to make as many friends as you can.
tawheed abdul-raheeem
I'd say - don't do it all by yourself! Learn to pay people to have them do things you are not good at
Mehmet Çetin
Don't drift, schedule your every working hour, and stick to the plan!
treat everyone as equal. never bring emotions in your business
Clau Marin
Treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO!
Valentine Boyev
Embrace failure as an opportunity for growth.
Vrinda Saini
Make fast, fail fast
Just do things, take risks and try.
Shireen Jaffer
There are answers to every question you have. Go find the people who can help you uncover them. 🤝
Ritu Soni
Be consistent. Don't lose hope. You are moving in the right direction.
David Allworthy
Go for it on your own… blimey, the time I’ve wasted working with others and waiting on them has been ridiculous. Of course this is only my story, with the right partnership or team you could be devastating 💪🏻