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  • About

    I spent 18 years in big tech companies building all types of digital products (applications, search engines, big data infrastructure). With 8 years in Microsoft, 5 years in Facebook, and 3 years in Pinterest. My startup journey begins with an open-sourced analytics engine called Nebula, then build products on top of it to serve the large population that has fewer resources to access those advanced technologies. With Columns, our mission is to make data storytelling easy for non-technical people, to make that happen, we build fast data processes, computing and analytics infrastructure in the cloud, as well as design, remarkable product experience, and of course, AI. At the same time, we also support a vertical product focusing on financial data, learn more about Fina at https://fina.xyz.


    Founder & Leadership at Fina


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    Tastemaker 5
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    Maker History

    • Fina
      Create Your Ultimate Personalized Finance Tracker!
    • Columns
      5 minutes from data to story
      Jun 2023
    • Visit
      Visualize your data from a single command at your terminal
      Aug 2022
    • Visualize your real-time streams
      Visualize your real-time streams
      Connect your real-time data and analyze it interactively.
      Mar 2022
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntNovember 14th, 2021