Educate yourself: 8 YouTube channels that will teach you more skills than a 4-year degree
Make a list:
π 1. The School of Life
The School of Life is a collection of psychologists, philosophers, and writers devoted to helping people lead more resilient lives.
π 2. CrashCourse
Short and entertaining educational courses on a variety of subjects.
π 3. TED-ED
Animated educational videos on a wide number of topics.
π 4. Talks at Google
Talks at Google is a leader in the corporate interview series space, providing a platform for influential thinkers to tell us what drives them to shape the world.
π 5. Practical Engineering
Learn about infrastructure and the human-made world around us.
π 6. freeCodeCamp
Learn to code for free. Web development and programming tutorials. Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and more.
π 7. Veritasium
Videos about science, education, and other interesting topics.
π 8. James Jani
Documentary-style videos on making money, and other various topics.
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