Recently interviewed a YouTuber/content marketer for my podcast and we discussed using "stream of consciousness" to kick-start the process. Made me curious how others might do it, too!
If you make creative thinking action based on time slots then you are programming yourself to only be creative in that time.
Creation comes to you, let it enter your mind, like when a car drives past you hear the sound, the sound comes and goes.
That's what creative thoughts are they just enter your ether.
To jump start your creative battery, looks at creative works of other people which will help your mind have a focus. Also make that a habbit when you are in life, look at everything and your mind will draw from it.
Alot of creative people are asked "how did you make that" and the typical response is "it just came to me"
Creation comes to you, don't look for it.
Also, you have to sit down and just make, every idea you have keep making and you will start to find your pathway in creation.
Creation are sounds, they come and they go, but you don't warm up to create, you just start to create and that in it self is the warm up.
Tip: Create everyday and you are a creator, create sometimes and you are just warming up
@heynigee Thanks for the reflective reply, Nigee.
Part of what I'm trying to figure out is how to reconcile a common sentiment of "just let it come to you" and another common sentiment of "just create every day". They seem orthogonal.
If letting good ideas wander into the spotlight is necessary, I'm wondering what are some good ways to aim and polish the spotlight.
@jlyon Good question, in order to get the thoughts to come to you, always be thinking about what you are creating.
For example, if you are designing logos, research logos, go to behance and check out others peoples work, ect ect.... do this daily make it the habit.
Then copy those designs, re make them in illustrator or photoshop ect ect
This is a good way to condition your mind
Does this help?
Yes with meditation! I stay still and let the mind wander for about 15-30 mins, I don’t remember the exact name of the technique now but it helps me clear my mind before diving into creative activities 🧘
@bakemono really good one, Bakemono! I've heard others use mindfulness, dragon's breath, and loving-kindness techniques to focus their mind and/or up their energy.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
Always have a notebook nearby or if you prefer a digital tool to write down notes. Creative ideas come "out of nowhere" and disappear in seconds, so you need to make sure you write them down immediately.
I agree with the other comment that you shouldn't try to put creativity in a timeslot :)