Utkarsh Gupta

Do you use a notebook 📕 & pen ✍️ to take notes anymore?


We seem to have lost the generation of folks that did not rely on note taking apps and believed in old school habits of using pen and a notebook to scribble notes. Personally, I love using an ink pen and a notebook. Are you old-school too?

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Morten Poul Jensen
Not anymore. I just use the built-in Notes app on Mac/iOS. It has some hidden gems in terms of useful features.
Utkarsh Gupta
@pactode It surely does. I purchased an iPad specifically to try out the stylus and it seems to mimic an actual pencil pretty closely!
Sherry Xena
I still like to take notes with notebooks and pens. I like the feeling of recording very much. I don't think this is old-school
Utkarsh Gupta
@sherryxena No hard feelings. But I am the only person in my organisation that i see actively using a pen and notebook to take notes, hence the phrase. Kudos to you for keeping this habit alive!
Hell yes! Sure I've got spreadsheets and notes in my Notes app...but I LOVE pen and paper. Quick to-do lists, logo sketches, note-taking, brainstorming...I still do a ton with pen and paper :) - I'll use a notebook for most long-term things I want to come back to. - I'll use a small spiral pad for short-term things that I can tear out and toss when I'm finished...things I want to tear out and stick in my pocket sometimes too :)
Utkarsh Gupta
@hahadotog Firstly 🫶 for someone who shares a similar passion. Even I have an assortment of notebooks that I sometime feel I am hoarding. I am probably the only person that tries to jot down everything going on in my head. I pen down my ideas, diagram for proposed solutions and MoMs and a lot more. Let's keep this up!
Utkarsh Gupta
@graham_patel I am sure you take notes. What have you moved on to?
Ágh Helmut
Unfortunately no! I'm really jealous of people, who can use paper notebooks, but for me, it just feels inconvenient and makes things more complicated. To be as productive as possible I must use Notion 😌
Utkarsh Gupta
@aghhelmut Well someone who pens down notes regularly, it does seem painful to keep going back, again and again, to refer to what you had written earlier and add new points to the same later.