I personally prefer the remote option. I hope in-person doesn't come back in style for awhile. I enjoy being able to do work from home, this is my little piece of heaven =)
Com'on that's an unfair question, anyone who loves the beach will indulge sometime into a trip on the mountains :P
I think remote makes everyone's life better, this being said, it's great to meet in person once a while. What do you think @saifali97 ?
@raul_silverstone Loool thats a great analogy :p I prefer hybrid remote so I don't necessarily have to go but I can whenever I want. Must be a psychological thing lmao.. Makes me feel autonomous and productive.
@gurpinder_singh True! Sometimes I need to hear my coworker's lame jokes to get the mood right lol. But other times I'll wake up and be like "meh, not today".
I agree with you. I prefer working from home, but it is nice to see colleagues once i a while. To get the real connection. Specially for 1:1 conversations.
@madaras Yup that genuine human connection is still a thing imo. I even love making spontaneous lunch plans with my coworkers when we notice we're all there!
@saifali97 Nah wouldn't call myself that, mostly working from same place. Based in Stockholm but have done some longer "workcations" to work elsewhere which I highly recommend :)
I prefer in-person.
I have 3 little kids who are my world and if I'm home with them I'm way too easily distracted to go play with them vs getting work done. Having physical distance between me and them makes me a lot more efficient :)
@mark_acor That's an interesting take! I don't have kids but I can imagine it must be suuuper hard to say no to playtime while working from home? I can't even say no to my pups when he wants playtime lol let alone kids haha
I prefer in-person as you get a chance to work around the people and create that rapport between your peers which somewhere helps in overall personality building , however the new trend nowadays have been remote and hybrid only.
@bhav_singh Bhav that's honestly fair. When it comes to personality building or just overall career networking, I think in person is still a great option
I'm all in on hybrid. I get so much energy when in person with the team. But not having to commute or shower right after a lunch run makes life so great on the other days.
@brenna_donoghue YES! I have a 1 hr commute time and some mornings it can become hectic. Though I listen to podcasts on the way to make it bearable lol. Wbu? Any commute activities?
@saifali97 my commute is an hour as well. In the past I was close enough to run or bike to work which was a great way to start the day. But now that I take the train I try to ease into the day reading. My kindle is getting some serious time!
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