
Do you plan your day in advance or do you prefer going with the flow?


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Kainat Zahra
Totally goin' with the flow lmao
Anu Varila
I usually plan the time slots I go with the flow :D
Arttu Haho
@anu_varila so you have slots in your calendar when you can free ride but other times you follow some kind of plan?
Anu Varila
@arttuhaho I put on the calendar everything that needs to be taken care of on the same day (meetings, urgent tasks etc). Since I do customer work, there are always a lot of ad hocs to do and if i don't have calendar time also for these, I will be in a big trouble :D
Vaibhav Kapoor
If you have seen the movie "Parasite", there is this very interesting quote, "We make plans, then they don't happen, and then it hurts. If there will be no plan, there will be no pain", but I am not saying that we should never make a plan :-P I go for the 50/50. I plan out my day in a way that top priority tasks are done first. Then rest of the day goes with the flow :-)
Vaibhav Kapoor
@alexandra_kazakova2 Wow! And it's all good in that way no?
Alexandra Kazakova
@vaibhav_mapup Yes. I used to fanatically plan every day of my life, allocating time in my calendar for each activity. Now I honestly dont care :) I have deadlines from my clients and I make sure that those deadlines are met. I typically dont work with pushy clients who follow up every day and want to get status update.
Vaibhav Kapoor
@alexandra_kazakova2 You are doing brilliant! Life is not as complicated as we think, and have made somehow. Keep up the simplicity of life and enjoy to the fullest. Take care!
Anastasiia Holiachenko 🇺🇦
Hi! That's an interesting question. It depends on the day. In case I know that there is a lot of stuff to do, I will plan my day by minutes, for sure. But, sometimes, I will just go with the flow and enjoy the process (usually the weekend).
Shushanik Shahbazyan
Yep, I like to plan everything, otherwise, I can't manage my tasks
Sagarika Singh
I always try to pre-plan but then overall life seems to appear as a huge task list :P so i stick to planning my work days but in general things in life i like for it to go with the flow
Irina Heinz
I prefer to plan everything in advance. But there can be a flow in the order of preplanned tasks. 😁
Satyendra Sahani
I plan my work every morning with time commitment for each and every work.
Saqib Ali
Hey, yeah that's something I've been trying my best as a part of my new year resolutions. What I do normally is I create a list of important tasks for the day that I can't miss and send that list to myself via Slack chat. This really helps me keep track of all the activities.
Alexandra Kazakova
@saqib301 Have you tried slackbot reminders? I love those
Joris Falter
I decide the night before 3 or 4 things I want to achieve the next day.
Aatishi Sachdeva
I try to plan my day but it doesn't turn out the way I want it to so prefer going with the flow.
Tytti Sandström
It depends. Usually i start my day with planning and goal setting but if i have a lot of things going on, I need to plan further ahead. And vice versa, if only a little, I might go with the flow :)
Ryan Gilbert
I tend to go with the flow. I do have a few important tasks I'd like to accomplish each day, week, etc. but I don't do any extensive planning around when/how they will get done until I decide to start tackling them.
Alexandra Kazakova
@ryangilbert, I Love people who go with the flow... It seems we are the minority :) Everyone tends to plan everything. When I used to work in corporate, I was putting dinners with my BF, cinema outings with my friends, and even visits to my parents into my calendar. No spontaneity, no surprises, no excitement... I left corporate two years ago and was still doing this for a while (a habit, I guess) before finally breaking free.
Pritam Nanda
There are days when you like to go with the flow. But for most days, it's best to plan in advance. I use Findz to plan my work time and personal time. It helps me plan trips with friends, manage my workday with colleagues and more. We are finally launching it Product Hunt soon. It's currently live on the Upcoming products page. www.producthunt.com/upcoming/findz. Would love to get a feedback from this amazing community. Thanks.
Şevval Çavdar
My advise as a student who prepares for uni exams is plan something for managing things but never forget to breathe in sometimes. The best plans are those found in confusion.
Alexandra Kazakova
@caralunes Couldnt agree more! The recent tendency to plan everything and make life look like an army roaster - diminishes the very meaning of living that is supposed to be exploration, curiosity, excitement, surprise, wonders...
Misha Krunic
Hi! Most of the time, there's a plan for my day. Sometimes it's more, sometimes less detailed. However, I need at least some organizational basis to start my day off right.
Aleksi Halsas
Definitely plan it in advance, dont know if you can really be effective without planning your day? Or can you?
Riddhi Dagli
I like planning my weekdays in advance based on the tasks that I have to accomplish at work. That helps me in using my time efficiently. But apart from that I like going with the flow (weekends) as there is always an element of surprise and excitement for the same. :)
Fariz Hakim
I used to plan my day in advance, to the hour. But it took a toll on me/wasn't sustainable for me. Now use more flexible to-do lists for the day, and do them around my meetings, so I'm flexible enough with anything unexpected comes or I need more time than planned to the certain tasks :) What about you @johannes_pittgens ?
Johannes Pittgens
@fariz_hakim Thanks for sharing! I'm currently experimenting with this. Currently I try out how effective setting my top 3 priorities for the day is.
Alexandra Kazakova
Tried both approaches and both work equally well for me, depending on my mood, my productivity, and motivation. I try not to force myself to do anything and approach every project, task, or activity with curiosity and a fresh mind. To-do lists and task lists tend to bring excitement down and do not leave room for improvisation.