One thing I'll do is plan it at least 1 week ahead. I tried to do it quickly and saw that it was getting momentum. But it wasn't there long enough for people to discover.
@pm_optimizer agreed on timing
Ours was up for about 3 months while we were building
We posted regularly on social media about the various dimensions of the problem we’re solving
And people that it resonated with followed and signed up
@pm_optimizer@kayovin1 3 months... that sounds like enough time for it to grow over time and have a sizeable audience built as you were ready to roll it out. Awesome, thanks!
1) Get it up asap - done is better than perfect
2) Improve it along the way as you get a better understanding of who's responding to it
3) Write some long-tail-keyword blog posts to support it
4) Promote the hell out of it on socials
5) Consider tools that gamify referrals
Yeah, we launched State of email 2023 today with a waiting list.
Here are some of the learnings I had shared on the waiting list campaign-
First-time maker here - had about 40 downloads for my app but no good audience yet. Still scoping and trying to understand my audience - but spending a fair amount of time on this activity.
@karthik_sarpatwari I'm curious, when you say you haven't found a good audience yet, is that because the 40 ppl who downloaded churned? Or that you haven't found discernable trends within it? Or something else entirely? Good luck with it... PMF is so tricky
hi @brenna_donoghue they haven’t churned yet but also not 100% engaged based on my markers. I don’t have a good sense yet of what fires that engagement to 💯.. because the app has built-in network effect, i would see word of mouth, organic community growth .. but that hasn’t happened. We just started 15 days ago so it will take time, likely. So far, i am blind to what they are thinking - no feedback
well, it's our first run ever, si basically we're trying to figure it out, reading a lot about it and just got some ads to get a bit of traffic and subs to our waiting list
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