Lisa Dziuba

✍ Complete the sentence: As a product maker, I absolutely couldn’t live without ___________.

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Michel Gagnon
Mixpanel, Segment.
Marek Sotak
Lisa Dziuba
I'll start ✍ As a product maker, I absolutely couldn’t live without Google Spreadsheets, where I put my planning.
@lisadziuba It's insane how much value you can get from something as simple as a spreadsheet. Extremely versatile.
Gleb Braverman
As a product maker, I absolutely couldn’t live without feedback
Adil Jif
Product Hunt! :)
Michael Silber
@adiljif In what ways does PH most impact your workflow as a product maker? (research, inspiration, community, promotion, or something else?)
Adil Jif
@product_at_producthunt That's a good question and here's my detailed response mate. The greatest takeaways for me are: * Being well updated on the current product market and it trends * Inspiration of flows/features from the innovative products * PH has definitely helped me take my abstract thinking to the next level! :) * New tools to improve the standard of my professional and personal life. I think...PH is the "Wikipedia of Products"! Not to miss out the fact that definitely...the community is an amazing community to be a part of! 😊
Adil Jif
@product_at_producthunt P.S. - Realized my profile shows that I had joined this month only that's coz...I recently wanted to revise my id (to suit my name) so during that process...the profile got deleted mistakenly!
Michael Silber
@adiljif Thanks! That's great feedback. You're part of the reason this community is great. One follow up — which of these use cases do you think could use the most improvement to make PH even better at solving your needs? Also, 😻 wikipedia of products 😻
Adil Jif
@product_at_producthunt Hmmm...based on my usage...I have given below my three pain points/suggestions in detail...Hope it helps Michael! 😊 Suggestion 1 Problem Usually when I have missed out on checking the recent product updates in Product Hunt for 1 or 2 days...I go to the Time travel feature to understand the best voted products for the relevant day... However, this is a 3 step process as given below 1) Hover mouse over Products 2) Click Time Travel 3) Search for the relevant day and choose the date After the date is chosen, there is the voted products for the day and a date choosing functionality (inclusive of previous and next date function) Solution It would be great if that same date functionality (in time travel) is available in the home page (probably could above the Popular & Newest function) to view the upvoted products of the recent few days (which would make it a 1 click flow)! Based on the usage of the mentioned functionality, in future if required even the complete time travel feature could be replaced to that button/area! Suggestion 2 Problem Some of my favorite profiles which I follow...have upvoted some good products, great products and amazing/favorite products. However, I would love to know which of the products are their current favorite products to be able to get inspiration & support the product too! Solution Similar to Twitter's "Pinned tweets", each profile can have a currently 3 favorite products section or another solution would be to have something like "Golden buzzer of America's Got Talent" or "Tinder's Super Like", such as to have one supervote for a month for each profile and the supervotes can be in a different tab to upvotes tab in a persons profile! Suggestion 3 Problem This observation could also be a positive to the platform. So in PH unlike other platforms...we need to make a conscious effort to check the notifications bar to check if there is any new notifications as the new notifications are not easily evident (highlighted or popping out)! Solution If necessary, to have a better/standard notifications design Hope what I have shared seems 😅 Anyways...feel free to let me know for any additional clarification. Happy to help! 😊 And also...thanks a lot Michael for your great words "You're part of the reason this community is great" really made my day mate! 🥰😃
✍ As a product maker, I absolutely couldn’t live without Notion.
Byaruhanga Franklin
✍ As a product maker, I absolutely couldn’t live without OmniFocus
Mayank Mishra
Launching soon!
Nana Appiah
Lisa Dziuba
@owusu_appiah which one do you love most? I love Twitter ads 💛
Ruben Wolff
Let's be real. As a product maker, I absolutely couldn't live without days off from time to time
Inna Proshkina
DreamTeam of talented and like-minded people, and money to fuel our growth of course
day-to-day motivation and a product vision🤓
Esra Baykal
Users and customers and Google tools :)
Lisa Dziuba
@esraa which Google tools are you using?
Ignacio Carmona
aws and payment gateways
Julia Doronina
Users, feedback, Notion for planing
Alexey Shashkov
Cool question, thx.👍🙂 As a product maker, I absolutely couldn’t live without hypothesis I have to check.
David Olufemi
Tanoy Chowdhury
As a product maker, I absolutely couldn’t live without research and writing.
Philip Guidon
a computer