
Chatbot or FAQs?


Hey guys! When you're looking for information on a website, do you usually prefer using the website's chatbot or searching through its FAQ section? I'd love to know your thoughts ๐Ÿง

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Kaizen Order
Very interesting question. From a user perspective, during the research phase of a simple website, the usual list of FAQs is enough. But the more complex the website is, I can imagine chatbots being a lot more useful.
Eventhough I love technology, I'd pick the FAQs. It usually goes faster for me and often a chatbot is mediocre, so it's more of a hassle than a blessing.
@felix_digistash - Given the current situation, I can see your perspective that we are all eager to avoid a two-hour delay. However, for more general purposes such as research, would you prefer using keywords in a search bar or asking a chatbot directly, which could provide links to verify its sources?
@felix_digistash I feel the same way, I'm surprised the votes are leaning towards Chatbot. Maybe my mind will change if the NLP gets better
Jordan Ellis
@felix_digistash Totally agree. I find googling and searching a website itself is way faster than even attempting a chatbot. Usually I need answers now, so waiting for an unspecified amount of time isn't worth it.
@realjordanellis Exactly and most chatbots nowadays are mediocre at best. Can't count how many times I chatted in frustration with one...
Tej Garikapati
I'd prefer faq's, simple reason is for chatbots I will have to type my case of faq's its just there. Anything that reduces my work is good. Most people are lazy like me.
Leonid Mikhalev
I would like to use FAQ, but sometimes FAQ doesnโ€™t have a search option, but I might kinda know the problem, the better solution will be to search via chat, cuz bot can index the content and bring it to the user. At some time for search a real person will be in charge. Same function ๐Ÿ˜
The solution you just described will probably be my conclusion, thanks for your feedback @leonid_mikhalev!
That's a hard one! I have seen some incredible FAQs, but I think would have to go with Chatbot for this one. It's easier to find information for more unique queries.
Shantanu Bhosale
Although chatbots can give you detailed answers for simple queries a I world prefer FAQs
I'm too lazy to type all my problems in a Chatbot.
David J. Kim
A lot of the problems I experience with popular SaaS apps aren't normally answered with FAQs. A ChatGPT powered chatbot is the future of support.