Roger Mendoza

Bootstrapping: What are some of your funding sources? Apart from your wallet! πŸ˜‚


Seriously, I am starting a bootstrap startup involving AI, LLM and Computer vision..everything was going great and now I am feeling the financial pain πŸ˜‚!! I have a steady passive income coming in from sources like: e-commerce, affiliate marketing, wellness services and networking marketing! Tell me your secret sauce? GO

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Hey there Roger, we actually just launched ; excellent if you are looking to publicly fund your startup and provide equity to your investors. Let me know if you would like to discuss it.
Mahsima Dastan
My fathers wallet :D
taking advantage of all the startup programs/credits. Lots of companies (e.g. AWS, Azure, etc) provide a ton of credit to startups. Those funds basically are how all my apps are currently running! All I've paid for is my domains
Roger Mendoza
@entreeden I have applied for the AWS is a big expense. Have you used any other storage solutions?
@roger_mendoza1 for storage right now i'm using the free tier of planetscale which works pretty well and is a lot cheaper than RDS
Have you thought about any incubators or accelerators? They have access to a lot of discounts and can help propel you forward through training and contacts?
Roger Mendoza
@slimmy82 I have not yet. Do you have experience with any good accelerators? Some I noticed ask to be in the POC stage, we are still knee deep in development. πŸ˜‚
@roger_mendoza1 yes I am familiar with them. Reach out to me on linked in and I’ll share some info. Also you don’t need to have a fully launched product. That’s the beauty of an incubator.