Tasos V

🧠 Best way to come up with profitable ideas?



The last 3 months, I have been doing a lot of research on that topic. I have now identified a pattern when it comes to generating ideas that can lead to profits. Ideally this works for app ideas, but apply it to anything.

It is all about asking the right questions. The old way of "what opportunities you see in the market", "what others struggle with" do not really work anymore. COVID, put us in isolation. This was a bad experience. However, this generated a "wave" that did not exist before that much.

You spending a lot of time alone, means more problems arise that are around YOU.

Here is the questioning I do:

  1. What activities do I do daily online? - Include anything, from weather checking, to binge scrolling.

  2. What apps do I use daily?

  3. Why do I use those apps daily? - this helps identify what you really care about, good or bad.

  4. What takes me a lot of time to do DAILY?

  5. For what things do I pay money DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY? - answer for all the 3 different timeframes.

  6. On what apps do I spend more time on?

  7. In those particular apps, is there a valuable resource that is not shared? Try to find IDLE resources in the apps you use.

  8. What online resources do I have that are not shared with anyone yet?

  9. The thing that takes me a lot of time daily, can it be done in another way?

  10. Open your bank mobile app, check the services you paid for the last 3 months and ask yourself - What problem did I solve by paying this? Can it be done differently?

These are my top questioning techniques to identify things THAT MATTER TO ME. And If I am willing to pay for them, probably there is a market out there.

As Kevin Kelly said: "The new big thing will be about sharing an abundant resource we have been using that was not shared before!"

Happy Friday.

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Hazel Mathew

Listing my daily online habits sounds so simple but I've never actually done it.

Tasos V

@hazel_mathew yeah it leads to "aha moments"

Tania Bell

would you share this w/ your twitter followers:

on Twitter, and I have 10,000 followers, if I dont post i dont have access to them. this means 10,000 followers are an IDLE resource if you dont do something

Tasos V

@taniabell yeah ofcourse. First, this is an assumption (i dont have 10k followers there). Also, what I meant by that is the lack of actual connectedness with them. As in, stuff that they post, or stuff that I post. Once we are connected on Twitter, there is always a wall between us. Which is the Twitter's algorithm.

Did this example sound like having a weird tone to you? I mean, why did you ask if I would share this with followers? aka, what is bad with this example?

Tania Bell

@cryptosymposium it reads as tho you see your followers only as a resource (assuming to be leveraged for money in some way). feels very transactional.

ofc a lot of interaction on socials is transactional but some of it genuine.

Tasos V

@taniabell no no, definitely not in that way. Also, for me resource is a positive word (maybe in my head i translate it to Greek and is not bad). But good to know that this could come across like that, thanks Tania. Definitely didnt mean it in a negative way. More like "we cannot connect and reach each other due to an algorithmic wall"

Tania Bell

@cryptosymposium cool.

this bit got my back up tbh:

10,000 followers are an IDLE resource if you dont do something

can be read as 'i want to get something out of them and if i don't post i can't. therefore I must post so that I can leverage this resource (for some gain).

appears it's a translation issue then.

Tasos V

@taniabell fair point. Post already altered, never was the intention for that. Anyways, i hope you got something out of the rest of the questions though:)

Rohan Chaubey
Launching soon!

Those are great questions to reflect on.

When I built my first SaaS product, I was solving my own problem — and in the process, I found a tribe that shared the same challenge. I built it for myself and for them. It turned out to be profitable. 🙂

Tasos V

@rohanrecommends exactly. And it is a great way to validate things fast. If you build to solve it your own problem and end up actually using it then u are in a good path. If not, you can re-think things.

Kay Kwak
Launching soon!

Hmm… some of these questions aren’t as easy to answer right away, which makes them even more interesting! Thanks for sharing such great insights. I’ll leave this as my weekend homework!

Tasos V

@kay_arkain well, if they were easy everyone would build great stuff everyday, and lets face it this is not the current world we live in haha! See this, as a LONGTERM tool to use in life in general. It is not like something you do in 5 minutes. I try to ask those questions daily, but partially.

SaiKavya Kodamanchali

looks simple and helpful