Akash Gupta

Best reading on business strategy?


The more time I spend in building tech tools, the more I realize how important it is to use first principles thinking and de-risk major components and think strategically. Code generation is cheap but human judgement is not - so wondering if you would have any reading you'd recommend on this? Thanks in advance!

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Olivia Jane Miller
Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne is a great read on rethinking industries and creating uncontested market space. Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore also has valuable insights on bringing cutting-edge products to larger markets.
Akash Gupta
@oliviajanemiller Thanks a lot Olivia!
Phoebe Peralta
Zero to One by Peter Thiel is a must-read if you’re into first principles thinking.
Akash Gupta
@phoebeperalts Thanks a lot!
james alery

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