As a developer, what do you do with faltering projects?
You are a developer and you have put a few weeks/months into developing a project with big hopes for it.
You launch it on PH and get a few hundred signups or views, etc.
Then it is 4 weeks later and you are seeing nothing. People are barely visiting let alone signing up or buying your product.
You try marketing but it has limited effect and as you end up running out of money to keep advertising it, you start to realise maybe this is not going to work out.
What do you do with it?
Do you keep going, and keep pushing it?
Do you mothball it and take it offline?
Do you try and sell the project to someone else to recoup some money?
Do you look for partners to work with who can hopefully make it a success alongside you?
Do you look for more feedback or ideas on where it can be altered or changed to become a better project?
Or do you weep heavily for 3 weeks and turn to Netflix and chocolate to get you out of the depression?
One of the reasons I ask is that there are some brilliant ideas on PH but when you click through they are dead or dying and it makes you think "If they just tweaked this" or "If they just added that?" or "If they used it for this purpose that has a huge demand, rather than for their audience that nobody is really that interested in?".
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