Rupal Saini

Are you working remotely or in the office?


I am working remotely and I am loving it!

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Azra Memisevic
Both, but prefer remote.
Vaibhav Kumar Agarwal
@rupal_saini - We are remote and we are actually building product for remote teams. And Would like to know your thoughts?
Ena Gluhakovic
Both. Can't really say what I prefer, it depends on the mood
Arnout Ulenberg
Both! But because I missed a nice startup community to work in an office with, me and my best friend founded our own startup community in NL! Now its 4 days in the office :)
Sanja Micic
Both :)
Özgün Can Kaya
Zekiye Nur Kesici
I'm currently working remotely and absolutely enjoying the flexibility it offers. It allows me to focus better and balance work with personal life effectively.
Tarun Kumar
Always a bliss!
Marvin Mändle
Team remote and we also have a cool tool for remote teams 😎
I have done and liked both. But currently, remote!
Thomas C.
I am able to do both, but I mostly work in the office. Main reasons: * My commute is about 15-20 minutes and a mixture of going by bus and walking for a few minutes. I like this as a clear cut before and after work and it forces me to not sit around all day * Although not necessarily being key to execute my tasks, communication and social interaction with other colleagues happens automatically in the office However, for certain tasks (e.g. some focus work) I also really enjoy working from home. Having the flexibility of being able to do both is definitely an advantage.
Emily C
I'd go with in the office! There I get to interact with many people and learn so many things, which is out of your field, but helps you in overall market scenario.
Ghost Kitty
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Natalie Ermishina
I work remotely, at first it was so wild, but now I love it a lot ))
Tim Liao
Remote. And I love it, too. I like to plan my work plan, rather than the OFFICE make my plan. And I don’t know if you guys can feel it, cuz there’re too many things happened unexpectedly there.
Natalia Toth
We have the hybrid model and after 4 years of remote work, I'm so grateful for being able to come to the office whenever I like!
Natalia Toth
@rupal_saini we have an amazing office in a nice downtown area and the best teammates one could probably wish for. Also, the dog-friendly policy <3 and I love dogs
gill richardson
Both, and honestly I love working there and there. From home I just send lots of messages from Outlook and at work have meetings with the co-workers and clients. I think it also depends on the day, which work goes better
Julia Engelsmann
Mostly remote, but we try to meet once in a week in the office :)