I'm definitely more productive in the morning. I go to the gym at 5 a.m. and start work at 7 a.m. After working out, the morning is the most productive time of the day for me.
I'm more productive at night especially if it's gym and work related. While morning seems to be boring, I like to spend it with reading and going outdoors as well as sleeping to be ready for the night.
I'm definitely more productive in the morning. I wake up at 5am and do my morning ritual (write 3 things im grateful for and read a page of The Daily Stoic). Right after that i start working till around 8-9am. At that time i workout, after the workout i eat my first meal (i try not to eat for the first 5-7 of the day). And after that i shower and get right back to work which means my workday usually ends at 3 or 4pm and i have the rest of the day to read books, do other sports or visit my familiy and friends. I have to say it can sometimes happen i just work all day long.
I've found that my productivity peaks in the morning when my mind is fresh and distractions are minimal. However, I know several night owls who swear by the quiet and inspiration that the late hours bring.
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