Doğukan Tezcan

Are you early bird or night owl?

I'm totally early bird

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Göktuğ Okan Oğuz
Previously Night Owl. Early Bird this year. Not that much productive but have better nerves. :)
Katja Alissa Mueller
Lunch parrot (no idea what bird would be allocated to the lunch time zone)
HyunGun Jung
@katjaalissamueller Oh, that's a great option can you tell us more on how you use ur lunch time?
Katja Alissa Mueller
@jack_jung It's a great time to rest, digest and energise. I'm neither a morning person or a night owl, have different peaks of energy throughout the day. But lunch time is a nice consistent time to just take time for yourself and recharge.
Mert Baser
Night owls FTW!
Sharon Lee
I'm more of a permanently exhausted pigeon, to be honest.
Rishabh R
I think I'm an outlier. I don't like being too early and too late
HyunGun Jung
@rishabhravindran It could be normal what are your usual active times?
Burak Gunduz
Early birds, unite!
Isha Varma
I used to be a night owl but I can't stay past 11 now and I absolutely have to wake up early. Seems like I've lost half of my day if I don't.
Ghazal Dewar
I’d say a good mix of both as I’ve gotten older.
Valorie Jones
I was not a morning person, until I had to start working with developers half-way round the world. I guess I am still a night owl since I am typing this at midnight.
Linda Baker
I used to be a night owl. Now I'm an early bird with a side of procrastination.
Esra Turan
early bird queen :)))
PJ Garcia✪ 🧪
Extreme early riser I wake up at 4:30 in the morning! 💪💪
Since birth, night owl
Rohan Pradhan
Night Owl. There's nothing greater than the spark of inspiration at 2 AM. Also, I love the silence and solitude of the dark, dark night!
HyunGun Jung
I was a night owl🦉 recently reborn🐣 to an early bird. I did change my sleeping hours. but lost that focus, clear minded thinking, creativity💡that I used to feel at night.. Any tips, early birds? Or anybody gone through this?
Mahad Kamran
Both i guess. Night owl on the weekend, early bird during the weekdays lol
Aphelia T.
Feels like a proper mixture of both having to work sometimes with clients from different time zone :D