Afan Sheikh

Are you a coffee or tea person?


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Rajat Girhotra
Both, has to be both, always 🙊
Ghost Kitty
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Martina Hackbartt
I love tea, but I'd say coffee all the way! It also helps me with staying awake and focused. Tea is delicious but can't make that for me haha
Sabah Kemal
Alwas Coffee.
Amin Jigari
Always and Forever its a Tea! IndigoCard
Ryan Gilbert
Coffee! ☕️
Hola Afan Sometimes both or Cacao, water, piña colada juice, but recently I switched to MUD/Wtr. It's really been fabulous for focus and clarity. What is your go to?
Sam Kim
Coffee on weekdays, Weekend Teas :)
Tea person!
Luka Vasic
Tea all the way 😎. Never got into coffee. Sometimes I will have a cappuccino just for the taste haha
Geetanjali Shrivastava
Coffee, all the way! Necessary fuel to kick-start the day like an intelligent adult! :-)
Julien Delange
Coffee in the morning, tea the rest of the day!
Jonas Schaller
I dont like both
Arun Pariyar
Tea occasionally ☕️
Pablo Fatas
Neither, I’m a coke zero fanatic. send help
I am more of a tea person.
Sophia Emma
Fabian Maume
What about maté :) I'm drinking 2 cups of tea per day 2 batch of maté. 2 to 4 expresso.
Cris Barbs
As a digital marketing specialist, my mind won't activate without coffee first in the morning. But always end my night with tea.
Enoc Armengol
Tea, love the warm drink with a flavour and without calories.