Maor Ofek

I'm in the 40 followers trap on Twitter, how can I get out of it?


While I put great effort into generating good content on my personal Twitter account ( I found it hard to increase my followers, mainly because I'm in this low-followers-trap: Because I don't have enough followers -> Not enough people are getting exposed to my content -> The number of followers does not decrease. (and so on) What would you suggest to me in order to get me out of this trap?

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Original content and replying to tweets pays off. But long term any number of followers always turn out to be less. So my best bet on getting exposure would be diversifying the content distribution strategy.
Yocheved B
Add quality replies to popular Twitter users’ tweets. Often, they will ask questions to their followers so it’s easy to join the conversation and get exposure.
Raunaq Vaisoha
Here are a couple strategies I’ve seen play out on Twitter: • Adding value/opinion to Tweetstorms by highly followed accounts. • Tweeting about a trending topic and importantly including the @ and # for the topic/company. Doing this consistently and try sticking to a handful of topics you have a qualified opinion on, that way you can become a go to. I’ve seen @shreyas do this really well with start-up advice/strategy and @david_perell do this really well for writing advice. So, you could pick your topic and keep consistent with your tweets. • Also, engaging with Tweets from lesser followed accounts, if you engage with their tweets often, they’re more likely to reciprocate than the accounts with a high followership (10,000+).
Cezary Dobrowolski
More consistency when it comes to posting. Thats for sure ;)
Ethan Zoller
Create content that could be helpful to your followers. If you are building something, maybe talk about a struggle or a feature you shipped.
Fabian Maume
You can try to growth your audience by following people. Here is how you can automated the process:
Ronak Kadhi
Consistency is the key! Also engaging tweets are good way to get more eyeballs. Also you can give value through your tweets for example: I sometimes tweet about great podcast and summarise that for my followers.