Hello fellow Makers! I’d love to hear about your worst customer experiences over the years. Use this thread to blow off some steam about customer service and feel better reading others’ stories!
Just yesterday, I wanted to do reinsurance of my 2-wheeler. I checked on google maps and it said their office is open till 7, all week. I went to their place on saturday, only to find that they are closed on Saturdays and sundays (which the adjacent other shops told me). On Monday, I called them on their 2 landline numbers (which i found on google maps + their official site). No one picked the call on either of them. There was 1 phone number which was also mentioned, which on calling turned out to didn't even exist! wtf! I got so annoyed, I decided to send an email. I sent the email to their support email ID which was on yahoo btw. Few seconds later, I got an email that said "Mail ID doesn't exist, Delivery failed". Maaann, what's wrong with them, messed me up.
Oh I have heaps. The two that come to mind are back when I was dating, I signed up for a site that ran out of real humans and started showing me fake accounts plus dubious ones from another city in spite of my location preferences being set to only my city.
So I try to cancel and they then tell me that in order to do so, they need *a handwritten signature* and they wanted it faxes to an international number. I thought “are you f’ing crazy?”.
The next one was an internet company. I lived in a place with fiber to the home, it had some exposed glass and I accidentally broke the fiber. I tried getting them to send a contractor out to repair the cable but they never did and every time I tried — multiple emails, tweets and calls with immense waiting times— I always got through to someone who kept saying “looks fine at our end” and never booked the technician! I had a proper comms company take over the connection and they immediately sent the tech around to fix it.
Similar experience with the local cable company fixing an unreliable Internet connection ... who has that type of uninterrupted time during work hours? smh
Happily I never faced a really awful client-seller communication, as a customer I usually get not bad customer experience. Anyways, if you feel disappointed with a certain company, you can always post your feedback on the PissedConsumer platform, so that your opinion will be heard and it will probably help other people, too.