Hi guys! I just started working on my own startup! I'm really passionate about my idea, and, as I just graduated from high school and only work part-time, I figure this is the best time to go all-in. My product is an app, and I have coding experience- just enough to know what this app would take is wayyy beyond my skill level. I know that I will need to hire engineers to get this thing started. I have a pretty thought through concept/design.
My main issue is funding. What is the best way to get funding, so I could afford to hire skilled engineers? I'm worried that without a product yet (and the fact I'm an 18 year old female) VC's won't take me seriously. I've started building a website, giving an overview of my app and who I am. Would that be helpful in pitching/ show I take this seriously? Also, I'm very paranoid of someone taking my idea that can code better than me and "beat me to it." Any advice on that?
Thank you for reading this all! Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Buddha to Bezos