Sharath Kuruganty

What is the best meditation app?

Calling folks who are into mindfulness and guided meditation 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ I have used Simple Habit for a year now and planning to try something new. What is the best meditation app from below? If you other suggestions please comment! Thanks for voting 🙏🏼

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Insight timer app is so good. The guided meditations are free and great in it.
Vita Benes
I use Oak , though I don’t use the guided meditation feature.
Caleb Ontiveros
Stoa and Waking Up are both great. Disclaimer, I work on Stoa.
I use Biblegateway. Close your eyes and listen to a psalm. (I do not work for HarperCollins, but I love meditating on the words in the Bible App)
Beto Frega
I have been using The New Headspace for a while now. It is really good, but I find it a little pricey. Haven't used Calm or Simple Habit yet, so I won't vote on which is "best", though.
Beto Frega
Para os brasileiros, tem o Vivo Meditação, que sai coisa de 15 reais por mês. Comparado com os apps gringos, é uma pechincha e é em português. (sorry for the Portuguese there, but it's something just for Brazilians)
Mira Tran
For Android phones, Oak is my all-time favorite app. Simple interface so really easy to use
Meditation Down Dog is my fave! Easy to use with good guidance.