Many makers also apply to YC - but there isn't room for everyone. This can obviously be super frustrating. But it can also be motivating! Curious to hear how you will respond!
Just gotta keep trucking! Plus I've heard from so many successful people who don't get in until their second try anyway. And AvoToast has very little traction yet, so I won't blame them if I don't get in :)
@awt I was just listening to an Indie Hackers podcast about how optimism is so helpful in startups, and the founder's optimism was infectious. I'm extra optimistic today!
@servercobra that's the way to be! hard to get very far as a maker or founder with any other attitude. doesn't mean it's always easy to be optimistic, but generally worth the effort.
"If at first you don't succeed..." best way to respond to rejection is learn from it. As @anthilemoon said in a recent article about Imposter Syndrome, fail like a scientist! Keep trying, keep learning from those attempts, and keep tweaking.
When I didn't get into YC (one of many times), it really was the best decision to quit the project and do something else. My next company was way more successful and if it's not working for whatever reason (team/product/etc.) there's no badge of honor just for sticking it out.
Also I didn't do YC with that other company because we also never got in. Don't place too high of value on YC or any accelerator. The opinion that matters the most is the opinion of your users and customers, and traction will drive every success you have going forward.
@maxlynch i have heard similar stories so many times...good reminder to everyone that things can work out great (or better) even without a YC interview..
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