I'm Pete, full time Indie Maker, founder of No CS Degree and No CS OK, AMA ⚡️
I’m from Edinburgh, Scotland and I am working full-time as an indie maker. As I am a self-taught developer often looking for inspiration from other programmers without degrees, I made the No CS Degree blog so I could interview people like Wes Bos and Lydia Hallie and find out how they were successful without a Computer Science degree.
I’ve recently made a job board for developers without degrees to solve my own problem as I’d seen job adverts that were great until the final line requiring a degree which I think is becoming irrelevant as more coders do bootcamps or teach themselves. I made $198 on my first day and both products got to #1 on Hacker News and in the Product Hunt Top 10.
I’m here to answer questions about no-code, launching products, social media, building mailing lists, creating good habits and writing newsletters people actually open.
Ex-Out Creativity Handbook
Ness Labs
Web3 Jobs
Customer Engagement OS
Write Invisible
Write Invisible