Aaron O'Leary

Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 7 October)


Hi Makers! Are you launching soon? It's always nerve wracking coming up to launch day and some feedback can go a long way. Let's help each other out, after you provide feedback to a maker about their product share your product link for feedback. BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help. This thread is for you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page Happy making šŸ„³

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Sebastiaan Pasma
Hi all, I've created Office Roulette in the past months (using Makers). It's a coffee/drinks manager for the office which randomly choose a victim to get you coffee/tea/other drinks. The initial product was in dutch (Kantoor Roulette) and this week I'm planning to release the international website and apps. I just did the soft launch on https://officeroulette.com, let me know what you think. All feedback is welcome!
Stephen Campbell
@spasma Hey man, great looking site! Interesting concept. The word "roulette" in and of itself puts many on the defensive, as well it's a PR nightmare should anyone get burnt and decide to blame OR.... so I'd perhaps consider a rebrand at some point if traction takes off. What do you do if the chosen one isn't in office, doesn't respond, or simply refuses? Can you include prices in US Dollars?
Sebastiaan Pasma
@stephenalan Thanks for the feedback! Good point about the name, I'll have a look into that. The user will get a notification where they can respond immediately to the request (also possible to decline). When the user is not at the office they're not getting a notification nor are they in the online-list. (it's IP-based) I forgot to the US Dollars check, that's live now. Thanks for reporting!
Angela Jeffrey
@spasma Hey I had a lot of fun playing office roulette! Especially the - the tension is rising - aspect. I would like functionality that allows me to specify the 'order' of each person. For example - is decaf coffee preferred? Perhaps someone needs almond milk? Or would prefer a tea! It would be fun to enter your order when you enter your name :)
Sebastiaan Pasma
@angela_jeffrey Thanks for the feedback, Angela! Choosing a drink is actually possible within the apps. All provided by the users themselves. However, this is a Pro-feature at this moment. I'll think about adding it to the simple web version, I'll make note of that. The decaf option is not yet available in the apps though. Currently only coffee, tea, cappuccino, espresso, hot chocolate, and other (user input) are possible. Thanks for bringing that up, I'll add that to my todo list!
Martin Slaney
@spasma @stephenalan yes also the name has connotations of chat roulette... will have a think for alternatives! Nice concept tho.
Glad you asked! :D We're building the next generation email experience - http://juicymail.co We're aiming to make email more personalized, powerful and intuitive at the same time. Our target audience at this stage is makers, designers, developers, pm, individuals working at start-ups. Feel free to ask any questions ;)
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@roman_tesliuk this looks cool. two questions. 1. can i link my domain or domains to it? 2. what about privacy?
Roman in Berlin
@roman_tesliuk Great landing page, I was convinced enough to try it out so I signed up, but the form is not working! (got the "Oops, something went wrong" message). Edit: now it's working, my internet connection had a hiccup. Otherwise, love the interaction design, it looks like this would make email fun again. I like the "Newsletter shop" and all those little interactions that make the difference. Also: greetings, fellow Berliners :)
Wilson Bright
@roman_tesliuk This is a great idea. I have signed up for access. While looking at it, I see this is the type of interactions / conversations which was lacking in emails till date. Today, I keep toggling between emails and messengers. Probably combining something like slack and juicymail into one would be a productive experience. Thoughts ?
@wilsonbright Thanks for signing up! Yes, one of our main focuses is to drastically improve conversations in email. Conversations are standard in Juicy Mail. You'll be able to create groups, mention people, create contact lists, pin any of those conversations to the sidebar, create custom mailboxes for specific projects or people, plus you'll be able to share a buuuuunch of file formats and interactive stuff (like design prototypes, locations, videos, code snippets, etc.) Interacting with all these features will be familiar to what you already know from tools like slack or any messenger, so you won't have to learn much. Anyways, thanks for the idea, we find it really helpful and we hope you'll enjoy the product, once it's out :)
@bejnar Guten Abend! :D Glad to hear that you like it and that you signed up! And yes, fun and powerful - email 2.0 :D
Ujjwal Chaturvedi
I launched my first product today but didn't got any engagement on it
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@ujjwal_chaturvedi11 this looks like a great idea. maybe, you need to explain the problem that this product solves.
Michael Wehar
@ujjwal_chaturvedi11 This is really cool!! It seems like, it gives you a recommended list of hashtags for each topic. I've always wanted to learn more about hashtags, like engagement data for different hashtags on different platforms. It's great as is, but here are a few other ideas that may or may not be helpful as you continue to grow the idea. One idea is supporting hashtags for different languages. I post content in many different languages and I never know what hashtags lead to engagement. Another idea: you could ask the user to select their topic, target audience, social media platform, and optionally enter their post. This could give more customized hashtags. Yet another idea: I don't know if browser extensions are still a popular thing, but it could be an extension that makes hashtag recommendations automatically while you're visiting a social media page. Anyways, these are just some random ideas. You actually created something genuine and cool. I don't mean to take away from the value of that by offering suggestions. Hope that you have a nice day!
Sarah Loertscher
@ujjwal_chaturvedi11 I'm sure this is a whole other thing to consider, but it could be cool to see the frequency of each hashtag - maybe ranked by what's trending, etc. It's a cool idea!
David Jones
@ujjwal_chaturvedi11 @mwehar It's not explicit that the hashtags suggested are the top ones currently in use, or over time, or if they are just random. I'd like to know that.
Jack Cooper
Hi allā€” We just recently launched Brain Pick, a video chat platform for professionals to pick each otherā€™s brains about 1000s of topicsā€”from Fitness to Finance to Fashion, Music to Marketing to Martial Arts. You can ask questions, get advice, share knowledge, or chat about your interests and passions. If youā€™re offering your expertise, you can charge a per-minute fee, offer it for free, or donate your earnings to charity. So itā€™s a little like ā€œQuora meets FaceTime meets PayPal.ā€ Weā€™d love testers to try out the platform and get your thoughts and feedback. https://apple.co/2z1TpNt Thanks! JC
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@jack_cooper . i like the idea. i hate saying this but you probably gonna need some "influencers" to get traction. (apologies for all the startup jargon). interested to see how you solve the problem of getting experts and users
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@jack_cooper wow! that is a big vision, and one i hope you reach. democratising expertise - i like that lots and lots. good luck.
David Jones
@jack_cooper Huge potential. My first thought was this would be perfect for those super-redditors or really active folks on Quora. They are already helping people with answers, so this seems like the next level. Going deeper on their subject with a phone call and getting paid for it. Which vertical are you going after first?
Sarah Loertscher
@jack_cooper I really love the idea of compensating people for their knowledge. One bit of feedback: on the site, the "download" badge almost covers the "advice" tab. The first question that came up for me is how many people are on the platform and what kind of advice (as in, what fields) are they offering? I think I need more info before jumping in, but I love the idea.
Jack Cooper
@david_jones6 Hey thanks David! We actually just began marketing on Quora and Brain Pick seems to be resonating. Great call on Redditā€”we will definitely begin building a presence there as well. Regarding verticals, weā€™ve currently got a nice mix of members on the platformā€”Fitness Instructors, Finance Advisors, Twitch Streamers, Plumbers, Leadership Coaches, Music/Acting Teachers, Academics, Nutritionists, Marketers, and evening a professional MMA fighter (kinda cool). I think Iā€™m more intrigued by the verticals I canā€™t think ofā€”the long tail and the niche topics. Iā€™d personally love to hop on a video chat with an Alligator Wrestler, a Civil War Buff, an Astronaut, and a Stamp Collector. Iā€™m really keen on obscure knowledge as Iā€™m sorta foolishly curious about so many random things šŸ¤£
We just launched dashdash Templates, prebuilt customizable spreadsheets to access business data and APIs. Would love to hear your feedback! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Adam Liu
Hi, I created https://pincast.live, which allows people to easily create, find & share podcast clips. Would love to hear some feedbacks! And feel free to join the discussions here on producthunt: https://www.producthunt.com/post... šŸ˜‰
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@adamleo interesting use case - summarise your clips. i do not listen to tons of podcasts, but might listen more if there was an easy way to clip the best bits. also, would be great to be able to tag or categorise these clips.
Roman in Berlin
@adamleo I like the ease of use. I'm not a huge podcast listener, and that's partly because installing podcast apps or finding them has been more trouble than I'm willing to go through. So having a few interesting ones that I can play right in the browser fits my style. On a small note: that red 'P' monogram logo might be a bit too close to that other pin app?
Sarah Loertscher
@adamleo cool. Do you have to be logged in to use the search? I searched for "npr" and could see NPR podcast options, but when I clicked on "fresh air," for example, nothing happened. I like the idea of this as a test to see if I'd be really interested in subscribing to a podcast.
David Jones
@adamleo There's no explanation of the use case. Do I have it correct: 1. I can find and listen to any podcast feed on your site. 2. I can clip a bit and save it to my account. 3. I can refer to it later and/or share the link to the clip easily?
Adam Liu
@sarahloertscher Hey Sarah, maybe try again? Sometimes it might be a network issue on the client side. I just searched for more and clicked fresh air, works totally fine. But I'll check on my side as well.
Shiva Prabhakaran
Hi, I created https://www.remotists.com to help people find high-paying remote work in design, development & marketing. My ask: I currently have 75% conversion rate on my landing page. However, I am looking to add more details and make it a little more robust. I would like to know all of your first impressions about the site since it is "ultra" - simple right now. Please tell whether it conveys the message to you and do you find the landing page to be credible. I'll read & reply to every comment here.
@shiva_prabhakaran I may have clicked on the link before I finished reading your comment and was surprised by the "ultra"-simple design. Congrats on the 75% conversion! I do like it, the image used is a fun play on remote jobs, and the copy is good too. I do miss some basic info of how the whole process works (from signing up to working and getting paid for it). And maybe some examples of the kind of jobs you list out, since these fields can cover a lot of ground. I think this will help you gather more qualified leads to your email list.
Sarah Loertscher
@shiva_prabhakaran @laura_pompeu I agree with everything Laura said! +1
Romain Carpentier
@shiva_prabhakaran @laura_pompeu @sarahloertscher Awesome design! Maybe the copywriting - headline - should show some figures like "Discover a list of 1897 High Paying Remote Jobs Available Right Now"
Shiva Prabhakaran
@laura_pompeu Agreed. I'll add this to the list of things to add to the site. Also, is it clear that it is a newsletter that shares links to high-paying remote jobs? I thought the sub-text could be longer but since the conversion was pretty good, I went with this.
Shiva Prabhakaran
@laura_pompeu @sarahloertscher @romain_carpentier Agreed. However, at the moment I have fewer than 1000 members, so I am not very sure if it will work in my favour. I would love to hear your thoughts on a number below 1000 number being a problem.
We have built a time tracking software. Still working on the web design though. Targeting startups, remote teams and freelancers. Here check this out, lemme know what you think and how can we further improve: https://stafftimerapp.com/
Roman in Berlin
@digital_sadia employee monitoring with streams of screenshots seems like something that will get pushback from, well, employees. I am not sure how one would market a tool like this. Right now there's a bit of doublespeak on the landing page by presenting the benefits of time tracking, whereas in reality the service seems to be mostly about employee surveillance. So while the marketing copy mentions trust features, this seems to be about mistrust. Perhaps be more direct about the goals and who the target audience is. Are there use cases where this kind of tool is necessary that a casual visitor such as myself is not aware of?
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@digital_sadia i agree with @bejnar - this product as surveillance is not really marketable, at $15 a month. However, I think the playback feature of the day would help so many people. Kinda like a review of the day in visual format. That would make a much, much easier sell and actually be useful in a time with so much of distraction.
Wilson Bright
@digital_sadia I see this might be considered as intrusive and invasive from employees point of view. May be a violation in privacy. However, I could see this could be helpful for people who do beta testing online and submit test reports. May be a re-purposing to an audience who tests and provide feedback similar to HotJar could be another area.
Romain Carpentier
@digital_sadia @wilsonbright Such a beautiful design! I quite agree with previous comments. But I think it's marketable to bossy bosses...
Hey there! We just launched JamTag | https://jamtag.co, a platform to help musicians get matched to other relevant musicians in their cities. We're trying to solve the problem we ourselves as musicians have had. You come to a new city or move on from your childhood friends and the world seems like a big place to find those likeminded people again. We'd love to hear any initial feedback and thoughts - thanks!
Roman in Berlin
@budgefrownie fantastic idea. I'm not a musician myself but have met several with this problem. The landing page is very clear as to who its for and why you would want it. Good luck!
Michael Wehar
Thank you very much for the kind post and for your offer to help. :) I started WordOfTheHour: https://wordofthehour.org/ We share one word every hour in 15+ languages to help people learn 24 words per day. We recently launched a live screen saver on Roku that updates its featured word every hour. Our small community is quite active having crowdsourced over 16,000 translations. WordOfTheHour is my passion project. I would like to help the community grow. Our audience consists mostly of redditors who are trying to expand their vocabulary, learn a language, or further practice vocabulary in a second language that they already know. Now that I asked for help, I should offer to help too (it's only fair). Is there anything I can help with? (Languages, Roku apps, software dev, etc...)
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@mwehar that is a lot of words in a day. is there a way to get like 12 or 6 or even just 1 word a day? but the idea is really good, and i think fewer words would mean more people will use it.
Michael Wehar
@ebrahimkhalil Thank you very much for the kind comment and suggestion! Yes, posting every hour seems extreme, but I actually ran some simple experiments on engagement and there was noticeably more quality engagement with posting words every hour vs every two hours vs every four hours vs every 24 hours vs every 5 minutes. Also, I ran surveys with existing active users and they say that they prefer every hour. I think being able to choose the frequency is probably optimal and a friend of mine ran an experiment with choosing that was fairly successful. However, choosing only makes sense on certain platforms. Since Reddit is the most popular platform, it's tough to figure out how to give people that option. Any follow-up thoughts on this topic are greatly appreciated. Thanks again. :)
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@mwehar Wow! Nothing like experiments to test your assumptions :) These are fascinating insights, thanks for sharing.
Chris Wills
@mwehar - I've been working on learning Italian. It would be great if you could select which language the word of the hour appeared in at the top of the page.
Michael Wehar
@cwills Thank you Chris! I really appreciate the helpful suggestion. :) I've thought about how to do this for some time. On Reddit we have separate subreddits for each language and a subreddit for multiple languages. On the website and app, a few users have requested a way to select a language (or multiple languages). I am waiting until the next release of the Mobile apps and extensions to do this as there currently are a few barriers. I hope that makes some sense. Thanks again and I hope that you have a nice day!
Hi Makers! I love threads like these, nothing like getting some community feedback to boost your Monday. We launched MightyForms a while ago and we're slowly but surely getting traction as a great form builder that boosts lead generation and automation. I'm boosting this particular landing page this week: https://www.mightyforms.com/form... - and I'm hoping you could help me make sure that the Real-time Data Capture feature is easy to understand and hopefully convert.
Stephen Campbell
@laura_pompeu You know what, I heavily considered using your product, but opted against it due to the lack of conditional logic for questionnaires/surveys! enough about me, on to your question. I don't connect with the branding of this feature. I completely understand what it does, that's clear. But the name makes me want to run and hide from it, lol! In ecommerce it's called Cart Abandonment. Why not just title it "Form Abandonment"! Marketers are already familiar with the term, plus it's much simpler to read AND interpret once someone lands on the page. The term "Real-time Data Capture" can just be the primary feature of the tool. Totally a matter of personal preference, but instead of the CTA button being "Start Building" I simply like "Begin" better. It's more friendly to me and again a bit easier to digest. You could A/B it. I could be wrong! :) Keep it going!
@stephenalan Hey, thanks so much for the insight! I promise you, conditional logic is on the works. I'll let you know when it's up and running. That's a really valid point, I think I've focused too much on the name of the tool instead of it's actual function. I'll run some tests. Thanks again! :)
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@laura_pompeu - hi. your copy says this " Real-time Data Capture is a Form Analytics tool designed to let you keep track of submissions as the form is being filled out, even if itā€™s abandoned." --- Maybe say this " Never miss an email, even if the user does not fill out the form". I am however interested in what this means in terms of privacy issues.
@ebrahimkhalil interesting! Thanks so much for the feedback. I do think that page might need a more focused angle. When it comes to privacy, it definitely is a feature that requires you to be completely transparent with your user base on the kind of data that will become available to you as they interact with your website. Kind of like the Cookies Policy.
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@laura_pompeu - yes. i think website owners will need to specify the collection of data before a user submits a form.
Elvis Magagula
Hi guys, I'm creating a product management tool called Spacetable. This really started as side project to see if I could replicate some features from Monday.com and Airtable. I showed this to a few people who actually encouraged me to make a product out of it. I just completed the landing page and I would really love some feedback. https://spacetable.io/
Sarah Loertscher
@kopahead I would love a sentence or two about how your product is different from other product management tools :) What sets it apart? Nice landing page!
Alin Rauta
Hey fellow makers, As a remote worker we basically work from home, a co-working place or a cafe. These are the majority of our options. Iā€™m trying to build a website with the list of the best cafes to work from and I need your help. Please help me build the definitive list of the best cafes to work from: https://docs.google.com/spreadsh... Thanks a lot! šŸ™
Alin Rauta
@ebrahimkhalil Thanks for your support! I'm trying to stay as lean as possible and use people feedback and iterate from there. It's easier said than done, but I'm taking it day by day and trying to build some momentum and motivation.
Sebastiaan Pasma
@rautaalin I Just added a place in the Netherlands where I work sometimes. :) Could be a very interesting list! Maybe you'll can add a row with Category. The place/hotel I added is a kind of public place where people walk in and out, but has a cafe for coffee and some food.
Alin Rauta
@spasma Thanks for sharing your "secret remote cafe" šŸ˜†. It's an open list, you can add the category row and any other info that you think would be useful to know.
Alin Rauta
@spasma Do you know which are the working hours?
Chris Tsongas
@rautaalin I tried using an app for this before, but it listed every coffee shop and so was pretty much useless for trying to figure out the best place to work. Hopefully you will figure out a way to curate the best places not just list all of them.
Angela Jeffrey
Hey everyone, @sarahloertscher @shttyrob and I built https://beta.getkelvin.com! Get Kelvin is a word-of-mouth search engine, that allows you to discover, share and review all kinds of websites. In the past few weeks, we've built some features that we're pretty excited about, including a much more robust search functionality. Also, you can create super visual collections of websites (ex: https://beta.getkelvin.com/@quab...)! We're launching on Product Hunt in just 10 days! So we'd greatly appreciate any feedback pre-launch and you can find us on Product Hunt here (https://www.producthunt.com/upco...)!
Angela Jeffrey
@peyton @stephenalan @napest14 @spasma Hey guys! Was curious if you had a chance to check out Get Kelvin, and whether you had any feedback for me and the team :)
Sebastiaan Pasma
@sarahloertscher @shttyrob @quable @angela_jeffrey @angela_jeffrey Really cool idea, Angela + team! I'll install the extension tomorrow (almost midnight here in the Netherlands) to try it out and report my findings.
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@sarahloertscher @shttyrob @quable @angela_jeffrey - thanks for sharing. maybe add public collections, that way i can see what the product looks like before signing up.
Angela Jeffrey
@ebrahimkhalil there are many public collections that you can browse and check out before you sign up. People can also create private collections if they choose - but most of our members have been building public ones. You can see them here: https://beta.getkelvin.com/colle... Enjoy!
Sarah Loertscher
@angela_jeffrey @spasma thanks for checking out the platform and adding your site! it was the featured site of the day today and got some votes and comments, too :) https://beta.getkelvin.com/site/...
Mokhtar Ibrahim
Hi we created https://uleague.org LAUNCHED 2 weeks ago! we are An automated and tailored career services center for business professions. Would love to get some feedback from you guys :)
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@mokhtar_ibrahim1 The concept is very interesting. I would suggest being clearer about what the benefits of the application are.
Mokhtar Ibrahim
@ebrahimkhalil Than you do you mean in the demo or the wording of the concept?
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@mokhtar_ibrahim1 maybe both. when i reach the site i think it is "only" providing courses, but i think your intention is more comprehensive.
Sarah Loertscher
@mokhtar_ibrahim1 @ebrahimkhalil Agreed! I could use a bit more information when I land on the homepage to get my bearings
Hello there! I'm launching my new Product on Product Hunt today! šŸŽ‰ Please check it out šŸ‘‰ https://producthunt.com/posts/rs... If you have any questions, please message me! šŸ˜ƒ
Peyton Goen
Hello! We're creating www.seesnap.com to change the world by helping problem solvers do what they do best - solve problems. We are looking for some people interested in making the world a better place to sign up and become part of our early group of beta users.
Graham Hoefer
@peyton I signed up, mostly out of pure curiosity and also because @angela_jeffrey was super pumped about it, making me think I missed something. That said, I have no idea what I just signed up for or what seesnap does or will allow me to do. It might be a good idea to explain more about what the product is for and how you'll be solving these problems?
Angela Jeffrey
@peyton @greydnls Yeah, I was excited about the idea of joining a problem solving community! I signed up and am waiting to learn more about what types of problems I can be helpful on..
Peyton Goen
@angela_jeffrey @greydnls For sure! More information to come for those who sign up, & later more public information. Here's a quick sneak peak: Imagine if you could get stuff done around the house, at work, and in your community using photos and all the data an image creates. SeeSnap will help people get stuff done, make money, & work together in teams. If it sounds like a really big idea - it is! Feel free to message me, or sign up & email us to hear more!
Roman in Berlin
Launch UI is a WordPress plugin for teams that want to showcase their app and UI on their marketing site without having to open up their image editing software. For the first version, we selected a handful of iPhone X mockup photos from Unsplash. To use the plugin you just need to have a screenshot of your app and the plugin places it on the device photo of your choice automatically. We haven't released a plugin before, so any feedback is very welcome. We crave it :) You can download it from any WordPress site or get it here (it's free): https://wordpress.org/plugins/mo...
Roman in Berlin
@moses_k Thanks so much for your feedback. We are considering doing exactly that, glad to hear your suggestion in that direction!
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@bejnar i will test this later. but just thought of an idea - maybe save the mockup as a separate image - that way it is portable.
Roman in Berlin
@ebrahimkhalil looking forward to reading what you have to say once you try it, and thanks for the tip on portability!
Roman in Berlin
Hey @moses_k and @ebrahimkhalil, we created a new version where you can create mockup images right from the browser. What do you think? https://launchui.com/free-device...
Roman in Berlin
@moses_k awesome, thanks again for your feedback! Could you specify what it is about the Unsplash photos that is more appealing? Is it how they show the phone/app 'in use' or is it the device itself (iPhone X), or something else entirely?
Mario Arabov
Hello Everyone, we've just launched LAMA 2.0 which allows entrepreneurs, creators, designers, and freelancers to get interviewed by a professional journalist/create their own interview and get published in our magazine/or in a newsletter we are partnering with. Since we are still testing the platform, would be great to have some feedback on user journey, UI, concept overall: www.lama-app.com We are also getting ready to launch it on PH, therefore any tip would be highly appreciated :)
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@mario_arabov - interesting take on PR. maybe add some practical detail. maybe "download the vid and it will be the right format for youtube, instagram"
Amy Giddon
@mario_arabov Great idea! The user journey and UI is appealing and intuitive and I like the overall concept. I did not see any pricing information so I expect the worst: free to make the video and very expensive to push it out to any of your publications? I would like it if pricing were more transparant, that would build trust. Overall, great work!
Mario Arabov
@amy_giddon1 Hi Amy, thank you a lot for taking the time and for the great feedback. You are completely right. We will create a "pricing" page where we explain in detail our premium features, but all interviews are currently free of charge. We will keep our interviews free of charge but as you've mentioned charge for the distribution. We still need to figure out few things such as potential subscription model or corporate pages. What do you think about that?
Steve Hafif
Recently launched a pretty interesting tool. ipcypris.com It's a search engine and marketplace for patents. Search engine is specialized for investigating a company's or inventor's patents. Patent owners can claim their patents and convert them to listings to offer the technology for sale or license. The search/filter combination is pretty valuable for drilling down a company's patents. Try 'Amazon' then filter into 'Aircraft & aviation.'. Would love to hear some feedback. Thanks!