
Name the first app you open on your phone in the morning

Mine is Simple Habit. I keep my phone on DND and airplane mode when I sleep and then turn on wi-fi so I can meditate before anything else. What's the first app you open on your phone in the morning?

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Syed Athaulla
Gmail is always first.
Twitter 😅
Gary Arthur
@ryzalyusoff hello 👋 I see a green plant on your profile so it got me thinking 🤔 How would you like to earn from CBD without having to come in contact with the actual product while dealing?
Dan Edwards
Usually iMessage to send a morning message to my fiancé, as she leaves for work early in the morning while I'm still 😴
Lanre Akinyemi
WhatsApp - I have a distributed family and have to catch up on all the overnight banter that I may have missed
Jessica Tedrick
Instagram. I'm trying to change this though. If I'm being good, I turn my alarm off and don't check anything online until after I'm done running through my morning routine. Then I can scroll through what I want while I eat breakfast. It's a work in progress for sure and sometimes I wonder if it would be easier if I got an alarm clock instead of using the one on my phone.
Lanre Akinyemi
@jessica_tedrick I turned off all social notifications and I find it makes it easier to not check it! Side effect is that I miss all the DM's!
Aaron Westley
Graham Gnall
@aaron_westley I have dnd + screen time disable most apps for the period that i am waking up. then i perform my must do habits in streaks before anything else.
@aaron_westley @ggnall this is a smart technique. The first moments of my day I also don't like interference from the outside world, not until I've done my meditation or practiced gratitude.
Kavir Kaycee
@kavirkaycee wow I'm the opposite! I try to avoid opening WhatsApp for as long as possible 😅
Kavir Kaycee
@abadesi Haha, how long does it last usually? WhatsApp is also direct people-to-people connect, so it makes sense to want to know what's happening there.
@kavirkaycee If i'm lucky I can hold out until 11am or almost lunch time - I always prefer to reserve my mornings for the most urgent/important/difficult work tasks on my list. Its when my brain is most efficient after resting from sleep!
Jonathan Sun
Wavy McFlindell
Either the iOS stocks app or snapchat
@wavy first person to say snapchat! Do you share updates or just check stuff?
@kesara lots of folks saying email... how do you manage to not get stressed first thing in the morning? 😅
@kesara like newsletters? I need more delightful emails in my life!
Dason Goh
Email definitely.
@dasongoh and that doesn't stress you out?
Artem Stenko
G-maps "Siri, where am I?"
Rahmat Albařiqi
60% of the time my daily devotion & journaling, the other 40% social media, emails, text...whomp whomp lol.... I've recently started putting my phone on DND / airplane mode during the work day...game changer!!
anthony ware
Right now, it's Kindle to read the Daily Stoic.
Michael Andreuzza
Google Analytics...
Wilson Bright
I check the apps I have made. Blocksurvey.org and Cryptoally.io to see if they are working fine. Its a routine manual health check.
shira jeczmien