Valeri Potchekailov

Content collaboration workflow: what does yours look like?

When creating blogs and social posts, how do you approve content and manage content briefs? Do you use multiple tools or do you work directly in your CMS? What channels do you publish your content to in order to improve your reach? Are you logging everywhere manually to rebuild your content there eg? eg.; Reddit; Blogger, etc.. And one last question, after what period of time do you see actual SEO results? Cheers

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My company currently uses Medium for drafting posts and we share the draft link with others to proofread/edit. It's really the only tool we're using right now, but considering shifting to a more flexible CMS.
Nabila El Bouzari
@valeripotchekailov - oh waw - this was posted 3 years ago ! Oups :D The marketing team at Plezi has been giving a lot of thought to what should a brief contain. We do not have the bandwidth to create all the content on our editorial planning - yet, we did not want to sacrifice our brand tone (super important for brand recognition) - that is why we created a brief that include the brand's tone, persona, goal (traffic generation, SEO, conversion, ect) As far as channels are concerned, we use them all : Social Media, Email (Newsletter, One shot emails - and the Smart Campaigns (specific to our algorithm), external blogs, ect. For social Media : we make sure every employee posts from it's personal account - greater reach this way. For emails, most of our content are evergreen - what's really matters is to send it at the right time for the lead - again, thanks to the smart campaign that identifies the best suited content based on demographic and behavioural data. However, we noticed that a lot of marketers were eager to get started but were afraid they were lacking content, or traffic, ect. Thus, we created Plezi One - and the launch was today ! I’d be honored to get your expert feedback (Plezi One, #3)