Go to your GA or Mixpanel dashboard, find out the top events, look for the sources, try to make correlation (available in Mixpanel) you will come up with interesting insights.
After a detailed analysis of events of your interest on Google Analytics, you will come to know the best sources among your regular traffic sources (Organic, Paid Search, Referrals, Emails, Direct, Social etc.) brought you, your targeted conversions or transactions.
I think the best marketing funnel for startups is the top-of-the-funnel strategy.
I believe this because it's very important for startups to gain trust and credibility early on, which can be difficult to do if they don't have a product that's ready yet.
However, if you have a great idea and presentation, you can find investors and customers who are willing to give you money or help you build your product. This means that when you're ready to launch, people will already trust you enough to buy what you're selling! You can find more information here: https://www.digitalfirst.ai/blog...
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