Hey everyone! We recently just launched the 1.0 version of Gatsby which we're really excited about!
Our announcement blog post is at https://www.gatsbyjs.org/blog/ga...
>Gatsby is your friendly, blazing fast static site generator for React. And after nearly a year of research, prototyping, and testing, Gatsby v1 is ready for action.
>Static site generators offer many benefits over traditional dynamic website frameworks — better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience.
>In v1, Gatsby blazes new ground for static site generators by enabling rich integrations with CMSs like Contentful, Wordpress, and Drupal, and a suite of features, on by default, that make your sites startlingly fast — route-based code splitting, service workers, offline support, and more.
>Gatsby means no more compromising between developers, designers, and authors.
Creating fast sites is hard. One trick though is to render them statically. Unofrtionatly then you loose the opportunity to load only data when most of the boilerplate is already loaded. Gatsby combines both out of the box. It's a fantastic piece of software engineering!
@kylemathews Congratulations on the launch Kyle! On my fourth production Gatsby site now and have enjoyed the ride so much so far.
Not only is Kyle one of the most helpful and responsive creators on Github but Gatsby has literally changed my life and was the catalyst for switching to React.
Props to everyone involved in the landing page too and @sachagreif for the great logo 💯
So pleased to see this on PH.
@suparchie how do you deploy instantly without having to run manually, say for instance a site that uses an API? Doesn't this build an extra layer that will slow the site? Take for example I have a Wordpress API that I plan to run with Gatsby frontend
This is super cool! This project has progressed massively from when I last checked it out. Absolutely amazing work @kylemathews
I recorded a quick video review on YouTube which I literally just talk about how good this project is. Super work to everyone involved with this.
This is absolutely spectacular. I've already Tweeted raving about it to spread the word. I do hope lots of developers seize on this as their standard foundation for building static sites. A1, Kyle!
We used Gatsby on the blog of Segment, and it was a great pleasure to use. I got the chance to work with @kylemathews, and he is someone who is incredible driven, has a great understanding of open source and is relentlessly focused on making Gatsby a success. I would highly recommend using Gatsby for personal and professional use cases!
@kylemathews really digging this. As an avid Jekyll user, can you tell me some of the benefits Gatsby has over Jekyll? Or does it at least stack up to Jekyll in terms of functionality? We use React heavily at Guru. I'd love to see if we can make use of this for our blog and website.
Serenity Notes
Headless Dropshipping Starter
Love using Gatsby — I'm excited to see where it goes as the community grows.
Pros:Super performant; active & growing community; abstracts away much of the headache of bootstrapping a modern web app with sensible defaults.
Cons:Documentation was a bit lacking for a while, but that's significantly improved since the 1.0 release.
GOT Spoilers 2.0