Hey! I'm Marco, the co-founder of gallereplay. We're an image provider specialising in cinemagraphs aka "living photos." Out team has spent the last weeks building a cinemagraph eCard tool in time for the holiday season. It’s completely free to use and let's you send season's greetings to friends and family in cinemagraph form. Give it a go and let us know what you think! I'm here to answer any questions.
Hi Marco. I like your cinemageaphs. Can you shed some light on why we don't see apps that convert Apple "Live Photos" into masked cinemagraphs? Is there a technical hurdle here? Seems like a no-brainer, so it makes me wonder why it's not already available.
@ryanmac Hey Ryan! Very good question. When Apple first revealed "Live Photos" last year, we expected a flurry of new cinemagraph apps based on the new function. I'm aware of Live Photo to GIF apps, but not Live Photo to Cinemagraph apps. I'm not sure why there aren't more out there to be perfectly honest with you. One issue with Live Photos from our point of view is the low framerate (around 10 fps), which results in choppy motion, rather than the elegant, fluid movements we look for in cinemagraphs. Apple purposely kept the framerate low to use up less space. But this is more of an aesthetic preference on our part rather than a technical hurdle that would keep developers from building something. Happy holidays to you!