Hiten Shah

The State of Makers - No code is about to take Makers by storm

The Maker movement is growing fast. New Maker communities continue to sprout up. So we decided to learn everything we can about Makers. The State of Makers dives deep into the who, what and why of Makers. Including 3 predictions about what’s next for Makers.

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Hiten Shah
The State of Makers is the first ever report about Makers. And I’m really excited to share it on Product Hunt today, the #1 place for Makers in my opinion! Check out what we learned, share it far and wide plus get the PDF too! And of course, if you’ve got questions about what we learned, ask us with a comment 🤓
Manoj Surya
@hnshah @marie_prokopets I believe you made your point about Productivity, totally makes sense now . Nice tool btw.
Ben Tossell
@hnshah No Code is definitely starting to take Makers by storm and I'm excited others are seeing it too! Thanks for mentioning Makerpad in the report 😍
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@hnshah Thanks for mentioning Zeroqode. We have some give aways and promotions. Product Hunters reach out to me directly if you are interested.
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @manojsurya3110 Thanks Manoj!
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @bentossell Thanks Ben! How could we not mention you? You're on the forefront of No-Code :)
Marie Prokopets
Product Hunt is *the* place for Makers! So of course, we’re sharing The State of Makers with the community today. We wanted to understand what the Maker Movement is all about directly from Makers and Non-Makers too, so we put out a survey which got 260 responses. We then read each and every response, analyzed the results and wrote this detailed report. We also came up with three predictions of what’s going to happen next. I won’t spoil the fun so you’ll have to go see the report to find out what we learned for yourself 😊
tom meagher
@marie_prokopets is the 260 responses a representative example? what was the methodology for the survey? from a quick read, the survey design seems iffy.
Marie Prokopets
@tomfme The survey questions were not included on the report page, so I can understand why you might think it’s iffy without knowing exactly what we asked. Bias is something we take seriously both when we create the survey questions and when we analyze them. We made sure to get a variety of types of people answering the survey - from Makers to Non-Makers, including people at large and small companies (and those who work for themselves). This isn’t a typical market research style survey. This is based on responses to open-ended questions that we analyze “by hand,” as well as quantitative questions. If you’re looking for a market research style survey that’s all based on multiple choice responses, this isn’t it. This is closer to the type of research product people would conduct.
Arpit Choudhury
@tomfme @marie_prokopets I had taken the survey; it asked very relevant questions and I can see how those helped shape the report. Great job Marie!
Marie Prokopets
@tomfme @irhymeth Thanks Arpit! 🙏
tom meagher
@irhymeth @marie_prokopets got it. thanks for clearing that up. i was curious about the survey design and wanted to understand the methodology because lots of folks are citing statistical measures from the survey (i.e. “Only 19% of Makers have built with No-Code”).
Ryan Hoover
The biggest surprise to me is: "Only 19% of Makers have built with No-Code" I fully anticipate more makers and companies to use no code tools to create MVPs and extend features of products they've built. What's the biggest learning for you in this report, @hnshah, @marie_prokopets, and @enthusiausted?
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @enthusiausted @rrhoover Me too - I thought the percent of people who had tried No-Code would be much higher. My biggest learning was that No-Code is really poised to grow based on the challenges people listed. Also I was surprised that Makers don't have a preferred habit that helps them make. The habits people listed were way more fragmented that I would have imagined. Perhaps No-Code will become one of those new habits that helps Makers test ideas and eventually launch them too.
Marco Piras
@hnshah @marie_prokopets @rrhoover The biggest learning for me is that finding the time to execute on your plan is harder than anything else. Creating and selling your product can be really time demanding. It becomes even harder if you're working on multiple products or making on the side, while holding a full time job.
 And it's not only a matter of time. There are so many things you could be doing as a maker that it can become overwhelming. I knew that productivity is a challenge for every maker but reading through the answers helped me learn more about the why. I hope no code and low code tools can give back makers some much needed time!
Hiten Shah
@marie_prokopets @enthusiausted @rrhoover I was most surprised to see how popular Shopify was with Makers. Zapier taking the #1 spot seemed obvious to me and same with the popularity of Airtable. I didn't realize how much Shopify was being classified by Makers as a No-Code tool.
Dmitry Shapiro
@hnshah @enthusiausted @rrhoover @marie_prokopets Would love to show all of you Koji, our new maker platform.
Dmitri Kyle Brereton
Interesting to see that profitability is not considered a challenge by many. Guessing that's because most makers are just making side projects and not also trying to start a business. Would be curious on the stats of how many makers would want to pursue making profitable projects full-time if it was possible.
Hiten Shah
@dkb868 That's a great question. 8% did say they struggle with profitability.
Marie Prokopets
@dkb868 @hnshah I too was surprised it wasn't higher - but I think other challenges took precedence. This was an open ended question, so we let people answer with their genuine challenges without prompting them, and then we categorized them.
Dimitry Solovyev
Just have touched Low Code topic in Genesis DAO Community. Thanks for report, it just on time! What are your next steps? How to join movement? Ready to collaborate on the topic of productivity and marketing for Makers. Actually ready to share resources for the collaboration needs of this community, let's curate best use cases and produce DIY manuals! Hope @Zoho will join this movement as well! 20 Apps for Low Code at Zapier only is a nice tool for Maker!
Marie Prokopets
@dimitry_solovyev Glad the report was useful! There are tons of ways to join the movement - you can start building products (like the manuals you mentioned), or start joining Maker communities and also learning more from all the No-Code resources out there too.
Dimitry Solovyev
@marie_prokopets already doing it for years) Really liked your initiative so we've launched t.me/DAOLab for curating and developing new use cases. Invite you to join early adopters community. Open for exploring new platforms and sharing with solutions we master at. Feel free to contact me for invitation to our private workgroup.
Sungho Yahng
It's an article, not product
Marco Piras
@sungho we hope the insights can help the community to find ideas for new products to launch 💡
Marco Piras
Hi Product Hunt! We surveyed 260 people to learn as much as possible about Makers. Today we’re ready to share the findings with you. We not only discovered the biggest challenges that Makers have, we also learned about the habits that help them overcome these challenges. We also made a few predictions about what the future for Makers and no-code looks like. A big thank you to everyone who helped us with the research. Hope you enjoy the report! I’m looking forward to hear everyone’s thoughts.
Sharath Kuruganty
What an exhaustive report on nocode movement! So many insights to cover like maker habits, nocode tools, maker challenges etc etc. Thanks @hnshah @MarieProkopets and fyi team for creating this. Helps a lot to understand where we are as makers in the movement 🙏
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @marieprokopets @5harath Thanks Sharath! Appreciate the feedback :) If you have any questions about the report let us know, we might have the answers based on the research we did :)
Pradip Khakhar
Thank you for sharing! Some great insights.
Marie Prokopets
@pradipcloud Thanks Pradip! Glad you found it useful!
Tkachenko Arthur ~UA~
Thank all of you. Enjoying/reading it right now!
Marie Prokopets
@arthur_tkachenko Awesome! Let us know if you have any questions or feedback :)

Great report!


Very insightful!



Fajar Siddiq
Congratulations on the launch!
Marie Prokopets
@fajarsiddiq Thanks Fajar!
Olof Mathé
As expected from @marie_prokopets & @hnshah, an insightful update on the state of our world. Congrats on launch!
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @olofster Thanks so much Olof! 🙏