Hiten Shah

Freelancer Resources List - The biggest collection of free resources for freelancers

An up-to-date list of 171+ free freelancer templates and resources covering 24 categories including proposals, contracts, invoices, to-do lists, & personal development. You’ll find resources from your favorite tools including G Suite, Notion, Trello, & more.

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Hiten Shah
Freelancers are ultimately their own bosses. Having to manage their limited time and energy to earn a meaningful living. We curated the best (and biggest) collection of resources for freelancers, all in one place, to make freelancers’ lives easier. You’ll find 171 free resources and templates across 23 categories including proposals, invoices, business agreements, personal development, project management and project schedules. Plus the templates are from popular tools such as G Suite, Microsoft Office, Airtable, Notion, Trello, and more. Check it out and share it with your favorite freelancers too!
Pradip Khakhar
Hey @hnshah, @marie_prokopets, and @enthusiausted awesome job on curating these resources. Personal development and habit trackers were my 2 fav categories.
Marco Piras
@hnshah @marie_prokopets @pradipcloud thank you, Pradip! It's been fun to search resources for those two categories!
Nick Julia
@hnshah @marie_prokopets @enthusiausted Nice resource. Btw... I already use FYI. Saves me tons of time 😁 Was thinking about doing a similar style project for the ecom space. Curious did you custom code it or have any recommendations/ learnings that would have been helpful prior to undertaking the project?
Hiten Shah
@marie_prokopets @enthusiausted @nickajulia We built our directory using Ruby on Rails. Makerpad has tutorials that could help you do it with no-code. Here's one to look at: https://www.makerpad.co/tutorial...
Nick Julia
@marie_prokopets @enthusiausted @hnshah Super timely. We were considering using Webflow for front end projects to take a load off our dev team :) Thanks again.
Marco Piras
👋Hi Product Hunt Community! With today’s launch our goal is to give you one place to find all the freelancing templates you need to get your work done. We handpicked each and every one of them to make sure we included only the very best templates! And there are over 170, organized across different categories including habit trackers and to do lists to help you boost your productivity. A big thanks to all the modern document apps that make it possible to create such templates: G Suite, Airtable, Coda, Notion, PandaDoc and all the others. Want to contribute your own or suggest a template we don’t have yet? You can make suggestions using the “Suggest a resource” button on the sidebar or commenting below.
Sabrina Rogers
I think this is very useful resource for freelancers. Good jod guys!
I like how noone commented on this "product" yet it was product of the day.
Denise Dorman
How do I access it?
Marco Piras
@dormandenise you can click the grey "Website" button at the top right of this page, right under the orange "Upvote" button. Or, you can visit this URL directly: https://usefyi.com/templates/fre...
Brendan Walters
As a freelancer, I can totally see myself using the templates. Sweet.
Ghost Kitty
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Jenny Price Stacey
Complete and thorough list of everything and anything you can think of as a freelance newbie. Awesome list. Free or low fees. Perfect for any freelancer getting started on a low to no budget!
Amatuallah Sumaiya
I think this is very useful resource for freelancers. Good jod guys!
Francisca Olisah