Ratnaraj Sukale

Fundabets — Fundamental analysis tool for S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 Stocks

Fundabets is a screener for Nasdaq100 and S&P 500 stocks. It allows you to screen different stocks based on their fundamentals and invest for the long term. You can also browse through the financials of your favorite stocks and download them as pdf.

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Ratnaraj Sukale
Hello Producthunt! Today I am launching Fundebets. Fundabets is a stock screener for NASDAQ and S&P 500 stocks. You choose different conditions for stock fundamentals and combine them to screen the stocks according to your long-term goals. Features: - Screen stocks - Browse stock financials - Download financials as pdf Coming soon: - Save screens on your account. - Advanced screening. - All US stocks coverage. I have built this product with Ruby on Rails. All data is fetched daily through an API. I am very excited about this project as this is my first ever product. Please check it out and try it, and let me know if you have any issues/ comments. Thank you! Screener: https://www.fundabets.com/screener Stock example: https://www.fundabets.com/stocks... Demo: