Kevin William David

Freshstatus by Freshworks - Better statuspage, in 1-click, FREE forever 🔥

Freshstatus enables businesses to communicate incidents, maintenances and status updates
- 1-Click and easy
- 250 subscribers in the free plan
- Unlimited incidents, maintenance and automation

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Hello folks, Here is the Freshstatus story.... We had got a lot of requests from small & medium sized businesses to improve @freshping 's status page capabilities. We looked around and the best statuspage builder in the market was very very very very very pricey... between 29$ - 1499$ per month and it required 15+ clicks to configure & publish a simple status page. Damn !! We thought why should small businesses pay so much for a status page ? and why should it be so complex to create a status page ? Here is our first attempt at solving the above problem: Announcing to you FRESHSTATUS( ). A statuspage builder FREE forever. You can create your branded status pages in just 1-click and we host it for you & allow you to post unlimited incidents, maintenance updates to your customers in realtime & all this is FREE. Freshstatus also enables businesses to - showcase reliability & high availability % of websites, servers, apis etc - keep all internal stakeholders like support teams, website teams updated about system statuses & outages - get insights and analytics from the incidents like how frequently outages happen & how is the mean time to resolve incidents improving over time etc. Freshstatus allows you to setup unlimited services, incidents and maintenance updates and lets you have up to 250 subscribers, 5 users & unlimited internal team members. We're in early-access phase, please bear with us, if you see any issues. We are actively working on improving Freshstatus as we speak. Do give Freshstatus a try & help us improve the product. Feel free to share your inputs via comments below or via in-app chat on - What you love about the product - What you want us to improve in the product Looking forward to your honest comments & suggestions below. Sincerely, Shyam (Product Maker @freshworksinc )
Jonathan Hult
@freshping @statuspageio @freshworksinc @connectshyam When will integration with Freshping be available? Will this integration be free or paid?
@freshping @freshworksinc @jhult we are working on the freshping integration, should be out within a month. We haven't yet decided on the pricing plan for this integration yet. @jhult Could you elaborate the usecases you are expecting in the freshping integration ? It will help us improve the integration.
Jonathan Hult
@connectshyam Freshping has its own status page functionality. If the integration is free, then I'd drop the Freshping status page and report similar status info using Freshstatus.
@jhult Got it. Thats our intent as well. Freshping status page is very limited, you can't post any manual updates. The page is fully automated. Freshping is really strong at monitoring & alerting. Our customers wanted full control of their status pages, when to communicate a service as down or up, what note should go along with it etc. Hence we decided to spin freshstatus as a separate product. Once we have the freshping integration, you won't need the freshping powered statuspages. Will be sending all our customers an update via email as soon as we have the integration in place. Thanks for sharing the usecase.
@freshping @freshworksinc @connectshyam You are doing a wonderful job. Thanks alot for empowering all small businesses.
Chris Tomlinson
Looks interesting. I'm confused by all the different types of people though. Can you explain the difference between a subscriber, user and internal team member?
@luckyrat Thanks for asking. We will improve the language, if its confusing.
@luckyrat Subscribers: are your end customers whom you want to keep notified whenever a service is down or when you plan a maintenance, who usually subscribe to your statuspage themselves or you can add them manually using your admin settings.
@luckyrat Users are people in your team, who will be able to login to the application & be able to configure the statuspage layout, post incidents, maintenance updates etc & Internal team (stakeholders) are people in your team who don't need login to the app but who just need to be kept updated about ongoing outages or planned maintenances like say your sales teams or customer support teams etc. As i mentioned, we will rework the names "subscribers, users, internal team members" if this is confusing. Thanks for sharing.
@luckyrat Do keep sharing your inputs, we are all ears & will help us to improve the product real fast...we also actively respond on our in-app chat, pls feel free to ping us there, if you need immediate help.
Chris Tomlinson
@connectshyam Thanks for the clarification. I guess that my confusion was less about the specific terms being used and more about the general concept of someone "subscribing" to a status page. As far as I'm concerned, a status page is a static location on the internet that I can go to when a service appears to be offline. I'd never considered subscribing to notifications from such a page. It sounds like that subscription approach would be difficult to scale - no doubt 250 subscribers is generous for free but it seems a world away from the reality of even small-scale websites with a few thousand users. Can the "Subscribe" button be disabled? How is hitting the limit of 250 subscribers handled? I also can't see how the freshping service integrates with this - I only signed up to that a few days ago and then got an email saying there was this upgraded service status page but I can't quite work out how the two similar services relate.
Thiago de Carvalho
I tried signing up but when I click 'GET STATUS PAGE FOR FREE' nothing happens.
@thiagoafram could you email us a screenshot to to see what issue you are facing. We have close to 200+ signups in the last 1 hour smoothly working. Hence not sure what is happening in your case. Which browser are you using ?
Thiago de Carvalho
@freshstatusio @connectshyam I tried on incognito and it worked. It must be not compatible with one of my extensions on chrome. All good :)
@freshstatusio @thiagoafram do let us know your thoughts...what you love & what you want improved... it will help us improve the product
SuKeY 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
How many days will the trial free plan last? Do i need to add my credit card?
@sithhappensbro No credit card required & the free plan is FREE FOREVER (for upto 250 subscribers) that is one of our promises. Do give the product a try & let us know what you like & what you want us to improve.
Dan Brooks
Pros: - Easy to use - Easy to setup - Opportunity to integrate with other services - Offers custom URL integration Cons: - New product; still under development - Not yet integrated with freshservice/freshdesk for link incidents/problems with downtime or status updates. - Reminders for scheduled maintenance can not be set to anything more then 1 day prior - would like options to set custom / more advanced reminders.
@dan_brooks thanks for the honest inputs. we are improving freshstatus as we speak.. Schedule maintenance we have automated reminders 1day before, 1hr before, on start, on complete. We thought customers shouldn't be bothered with more than these 4 automated reminders. If a lot of customers are interested in more than 1 day reminder, we will look into it. Do keep sharing your inputs. Thanks loads
Aayush Jain
Amazing tool.. super easy to setup. Love it already
Aayush Jain
And the best part - it's free. Other competitors charge more than $50 per month for a similar service
@jainaayush05 Thansk Aayush. Any improvements/inputs, do share. It will help us improve Freshstatus
Javier Larroulet

Got the email with the announcement from freshworks and decided I'd give it a try. So far, with all the quirks that are always part of a new product going live, I'm loving it


Simple, easy to set-up, free as in beer, user-friendly


Still some quirks, normal in a newly released product. Some stuff is still "coming soon" inside the platform which is a bit dissapointing

Thanks @javier_larroulet for your inputs... We will make a few fixes to those coming soon features. Thanks for understanding & do keep sharing any issues/improvements you have via in-app chat widget or via email to
Victor Alameda
Hello All, Pros: - Easy to use - Easy to setup - Integrations Cons: - Not available for to remove the mark of Freshworks or Freshstatus - Not allow personalize notifications - Not available for other languages - Not available format for text for the Status Page
Hi @valameda Thanks for your honest inputs. Personalising notifications and support for other languages are few things we have in our roadmap as well. Please shoot us an email at support @ if you have specific usecases. We'll be happy to have a conversation on how to improve Freshstatus.
Vignesh kumar Rk
Why should I pick Freshstatus over Statuspage or other status pages?
@vignesh_rk_ Fair question: in most status page products, you have to either host it yourself or pay a bomb like @statuspageio (29$-1499$) to get a simple hosted status page. Our promise is you can create status page in 1-click & it will be super intuitive. Also we promise to keep it FREE FOREVER for upto 250 subscribers & 5 team members.
Lokesh Ravichandru
Its easy to use i have few cons or dint understand why its there in place > Why the incident history has years till 2010 > Why the incident history showing previous months, when i created the status page today Rest looks good!!
Hi @lokesh_ravichandru Thanks for checking us out. To answer your questions, incident and statuses are manually updated as of now in Freshstatus. With backfill incidents (coming soon, we're building it) you can post past incidents and service statuses.
Thiago Berton
Freshping is a great tool, more than a 100% recommended.
@tberton Could you share your thoughts on Freshstatus as well ?
Thiago Berton
@connectshyam Looks great and very ease to use, similar as freshping is today, but with more functionalities.
@tberton Thanks. As you keep using, any inputs you may have, pls feel free to buzz us via in-app chat widget or via email to
T. Kaan Duman
Just started to use it. Works great, has a fairly fast and really beautiful interface. Currently custom domains doesn't work with HTTPS, but you can make it work with nginx's reverse_proxy feature, I just set mine up and it works flawless. Also if sign-up button doesn't work that's probably your adblock. I love it so far, simple and useful!
@tkduman Thanks for your inputs & helping other customers on the adblock thing :) Do keep us posted on any improvements you want in the product.. We are all ears. Feel free to ping us on the in-app chat anytime. Thanks !
Gabriel Porras
I love all products of Freshworks.... They are just amazing...
@gabriel_porras1 Thanks Gabriel ! Would be eager to understand which products you use & for what usecases ? and any specific improvement suggestions for freshstatus ?
Shane Horner
I like the freshworks tool set, I think they are doing a great job at an affordable rate, so props to them. My only critique of their software is formatting. So much of the time I will write out a chat in multiple lines or a multi paragraph block of text and the formatting never sticks. I used this application this morning and have 3 paragraphs of text inside of my dashboard for an incident, yet on the customer facing side it is all jammed into one block of text. I think the dev team just needs to be a bit more thoughtful about how things look on the customer facing side of things. Anyways, great tool and I am excited to implement it for my company. Thanks Fresh Team!
@tcworkflow Thanks Shane for your honest input. Will look into fixing this formatting issue. Could you share a screenshot or url link to or ping us via in-app chat support from the freshstatus app.
Ladislav Hloušek
Pros: Free and easy to setup. Cons: Im verry happy with product and customer care :)!
@ladislav_hlousek thanks & we are all ears, pls feel free to ping us on in-app chat or via email to .
Tom Westrick

I heard about it through their release email since I am also a customer of their FreshPing service. Excited for integration with it. Also would love SSL support with a custom domain (suppose to be a future feature).


Super easy to set up, very intuitive, free, overall great product so far. Support is superior!


Nothing major as of yet, only run into one little bug so far.

Aj D

Not much more to say. Service is free and effective, simple enough.


Simple and free.


I've been pretty satisfied with the service.

Itai Neter
I really liked it, took me a few seconds to figure out what's what, and I really like it. At the moment there are a few snags, but I'm VERY excited about this product and it's future iterations. Highly recommend.
@itai_neter Thanks !! We are all ears, pls ping us via inapp chat or via email to do share what you feel needs improvement & we will work on those... Could you share your freshstatus powered statuspage url ? We are collecting a list of statuspage urls of some of our customers to list under "good examples" of statuspages. We could add yours.
Is it possible to automate maintenance?
Hi @sathiesh_v It is possible to automate scheduled maintenance with Freshstatus (Starts automatically, sets services to 'under maintenance' state and back to Operational on completion of maintenance) Also, You can create automated reminders to remind your customers about the upcoming maintenance.
Amalraj Antony
What is the limit of uptime and incident history ?
@amal7692 We store upto 10 years of uptime history & incident history in our FREE plan.