Charlie Beveridge

Free LinkedIn ROI Calculator - Calculate your expected return from Linkedin auto-outreach.


Explore your unit economics of cold outreach on LinkedIn - is your revenue potential more than the automation cost? Configure the calculator with any data you have, and for the rest, use defaults provided based on industry averages. See the results!

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Charlie Beveridge
Hey Product Hunt Community! πŸ‘‹πŸ»πŸ‘‹πŸΏπŸ‘‹πŸΎ A new year means new revenue targets 🎯! So as it's January, I'm launching this Free ROI Calculator to help with planning πŸš€πŸŒŸπŸ˜Š How can you know *before* spending any money that a LinkedIn automated-outreach subscription will pay off? This ROI Calculator solves that challenge! πŸ’ͺ How it works: πŸ–© Configure the calculator with any data you know (e.g. your average deal size and conversion rate) #️⃣ Select your preferences and rely on the provided defaults anywhere you don't have data βž• See the projected revenue results! I hope it clarifies whether your business can grow by running automated LinkedIn outreach campaigns πŸ“ˆ Thank you for reading this - this is my first product hunt launch (ever!) and I'm really grateful for your support! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΎ -- Charlie
this is so great, it takes out the guess work and i'm able to great very accurate ROI with very little work. great product, great value, looking forward to seeing where you take this idea Charlie πŸš€
Charlie Beveridge
@supnim that means a lot, given how great your products are! LinkedIn outreach is still such an under-utilised channel for lead gen and hopefully this tool helps make it clear how effective it can be!
Neil Magnuson
Hey Charlie, Congrats on the launch, great idea and tool. I have just started cold outreach on LinkedIn so I am a a bit new to the space, I watched your video and was wondering - must I have Expandi or Skylead to use your tool? Also, how did those leads get loaded into your tool that you sent to Skylead, from LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration? Is the workflow: find leads in LinkedIn Sales Navigator -> Send them to Koneski -> Use AI from Koneski to create the right messaging -> Send to Skylead to execute the workflows of connecting, sending messages, getting responses (presumably in LinkedIn Sales Navigator?) Sorry, i know its not feedback on the ROI Calculator and I know I may not be your ICP, but was curious as I have just started my LinkedIn Cold Outreach journey :D Congrats again!
Charlie Beveridge
@neil_magnuson Great questions Neil! Excited for you that you've just started some cold outreach and I'll be interested in your results! Yes your flow is almost spot on. Just a couple of edits - the leads are loaded into Koneksi via csv upload or via API integration (not directly from Sales Navigator...yet!) and then message sends and responses all happen within the execution tool (e.g. Skylead). You can also reply directly from your LinkedIn messages of course. And yes, as Koneksi generates messages but doesn't send them, you need to choose a tool to send them too. Thank you for your support! Let me know if you want a more detailed chat - I've done lots of trial and error that might be useful to download to you for your campaigns :)
Taishi Kato
congrats in the launch! Looks amazing!
Charlie Beveridge
@taishi_kato Thank you Taishi! That's very kind :)
Minh-Phuc Tran
Going to cold outreach on LinkedIn very soon for my idea, this will come super handy! Congrats on the launch, Charlie!
Charlie Beveridge
@phuctm97 Awesome Phuc, let me know if you want any help or advice with LinkedIn outreach - I'm living and breathing it every day and tons of learnings I can share if you'd like them :)
Josef BΓΌttgen
This is the tool weβ€˜ve all been waiting for. Planning outreach campaigns on LinkedIn has become so much easier with your app and makes it so much more attractive as a marketing channel as well. Excited for what youβ€˜ll come up with next, Charlie!
Charlie Beveridge
@josefbuettgen Thank you Josef! Really hoping that this tool helps people see how valuable LinkedIn Outreach can be (when done right, of course!) - as it's definitely an under-used lead gen channel :)
Dominik Sobe
This might be the reason I’ll finally start LinkedIn cold outreach. Thanks for building this. Great tool!
Charlie Beveridge
@sobedominik If I can convert you, I'll be honoured!! Thank you for your support Dom :)
GermΓ‘n Merlo
Hey Charlie, it's brilliant! Seriously, way to go on creating such a game-changing product. Keep 'em coming, Charlie. Keep 'em coming. πŸ˜‰
Charlie Beveridge
@german_merlo1 Thank you German for your support! :)
Katie Hignett
This is a great tool Charlie! Congratulations on the launch!
Charlie Beveridge
@krh Thank you Katie! Excited about this one :) - really hope people find it useful!
laurent lahmy
Smart tool, it's great to replace guesswork with parameters and a formula!
Charlie Beveridge
@laurenrlahmy Thanks so much! Making maths easy always has to be a good thing, right? :)
Alina Salavatova
Congratulations on the launch! Good Luck!
Charlie Beveridge
@alina_salavatova thank you for your support Alina!
Giulia Cian Seren
What a great tool. Will definitely help when discussing this with clients!
Charlie Beveridge
@madavvero That's great, Giulia! Fingers crossed your clients find it useful! :)
Zoe Frances
Amazing product!! Congratulations!
Charlie Beveridge
@zoe_frances Thank you so much Zoe!
Necmettin Karakaya
Congrats on the launch πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰
Charlie Beveridge
@necmttn Thanks so much!
Anton Cherkasov
Charlie, congrats on your first Product Hunt launch, that's awesome! Your Free ROI Calculator sounds like a game-changer for businesses looking to plan and optimize their LinkedIn outreach campaigns!
Charlie Beveridge
@a007mr Thanks so much Anton! There's something crazily satisfying about clicking all the toggles and seeing the way it affects the results :) but hopefully it's just as useful as it is fun!
Awesome tool that takes the guess out of the equation! So many need to use this. Honestly. πŸ‘
Charlie Beveridge
@vince Thank you Vince! There is for sure a science to it - and this calculator hopefully means we no longer have to do the maths :)
Tobias Whetton
LinkedIn outreach is always a bit of a minefield, thanks for making it simpler @charlie_beveridge. Awesome work πŸ™Œ
Charlie Beveridge
@twhetton Thank you Tobias! It sure is a minefield and hopefully this helps people navigate it a bit more easily.
Claudia Yusron
This is amazing! Defo will recommend this to my sales fellas! Congrats on the launch Charlie!
Charlie Beveridge
@claudia_yusron That would be great, thank you Claudia! Let me know if they have any questions :)
Timo Nikolai
as a marketer, this is exactly what I've been looking for!
Charlie Beveridge
@timo_t So pleased to hear that, Timo! Happy calculating :)
Rich Watson
very cool! congrats