You might know the problem: You might prefer Whatsapp and Telegram but a handful of other people you know are mainly using Facebook Messenger or Hangouts or Skype. Same with team messaging platforms like Slack and Hipchat. So you run a combination of open tabs and native applications but it feels a bit like the days before Adium and Trillian.
Franz is a quite elegant take on this. One Mac app that unifies them all. The nice thing about Franz is that unlike in other cross-platform messengers like Adium where some features of some platforms only work some of the time Franz is actually using the web based messengers underneath so whenever there is a new sticker pack or a new way to share gifs Franz supports it immediately.
@__tosh it might be great to have a mobile app for it which could be challenging but worth it. I think if you make it paid $2 to $5 orpeople will pay for it 😄 may be more .
@__tosh Love this! So useful. And such a smart implementation by making it all web!
One thing, could you add auto focus of text field when I cmd-tab into the app?
@josef_trauner thank you for your feedback. "Mute all" is something that crosses my mind for quite a while now and I hope I'm able to add a nice solution for that soon.
@smalzner@josef_trauner Up Stefan, this would be super awesome for distracted people like me :D And thank you so much for this (already) amazing product
Installed and hooked up Slack, Messenger and Whatsapp. Great experience, straight to the point. Got up and running in no time.
Not sure about the icon design. Is it a hipster mustache passing as a bridge? Why not just the mustache and lose the two pillars that look like walrus fangs?
@pddro quick question.. are you still using Franz for all these? I tried it for a while but switched back to the native apps except for Gmail and Whatsapp
@pddro I do agree that the logo is not ideal, but it resembles the beard that Franz Joseph I of Austria was known for. The app's name "Franz" is derived from him, as well.
There is a horrible thing with this kind of things. Probably not your fault but electrum. In the Mac, the close button should minimize by design, not close the app. I want it running in the background and giving me notifications. Not close... Slack manage to do it well on Mac. Any ideas about this? I do not use the Hangouts Chrome App for the same reason, as I end closing it by default and not receiving notifications.
@themiguelamador This is actually a relatively easy fix with Electron, the main fix is just removing this code:
app.on('window-all-closed', function () {
unfortunately Franz doesn't seem to be open source.
@rajington@themiguelamador it's a bit trickier than this... BUUUT, there is an update coming today fixing this and some other issues and adding support for re-arranging tabs.
Tested the memory footprint is less than using the apps for each in separate. Getting 1gb with Skype, Slack, Hangouts, Whatsapp and Messenger on! Usually the individual apps used 400mb each.
@smalzner love it but theres 3 things which i hate
1) i cant receive pictures (skype - shows up as not authorized)
2) cant audio/video call straight from franz i always have to log back into skype
3) it keeps logging me out of skype and hipchat and i need to relogin
@batkom we are working on a fix for sending attachments in skype and it will come with one of the next updates. Skype calls is a bit trickier but we are working on that one too.
About logging you out of Skype and HipChat... can you please head over to and open a ticket, would love to get more information.
@nadia_yun from our website :)
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria had a rough time following the downfall of the Austrian Empire. Why not give someone with the presumably exceptional communication skills of an emperor a second chance?
This is really cool!
It'd be great though if there were a keyboard shortcut to switch between the messaging apps similar to tab switching in browsers (cmd + shift + "{", cmd + shift + "}", ctrl + tab, ctrl + shift + tab)
If you're using a German keyboard yourself, I realise the ones with curly brackets don't make much sense there, but they do on English ones :)
@pstoellberger@smalzner I guess it works, because the tabs in Franz are similar to rethemed chrome tabs?
However, if I middle-click on one of them Franz opens a new window of itself, just like a link in crome would. A Chrome-Tab would close not 100% sure about my explanation above :)
@louisdv thank you very much for bringing this up! I honestly haven't thought of that yet.
I will look into this. Anyone else using HipChat as a self hosted service?
iMessage support? This is great, but I typically switch from Messenger to Messages, so is it possible for the desktop app to read and send iMessages? If so I'd absolutely use it.
@smalzner@adamengst - If Franz adds this, I'll definitely be using it and telling all my friends :) Let me know if/when you add support. Thanks for the idea Adam!
Kudos, this looks really neat and handy! I've used it for a little while and here are my 2cents:
* Cmd+W should only close the window but keep Franz running in background and fetching new messages
* The app could really use a manu bar item indicate new unread messages (like we do with
* Maybe it could also lose the native top bar, it kinda gives aways the webapp nature of the app
Congrats, I'm really seeing myself using this daily :)
Looks like a decent way of getting rid of my tab-chaos. Any chance you could take the active sessions from Chrome and pull them into Franz so I don't have to re-login?
@oliverlukesch thanks, thats a very good questions. It may be super convenient to use chrome sessions but every Franz tab is sandboxed which allows you to use multiple instances of a service without them interfering each other. However, Franz stores those sandboxed sessions. So, once you've logged in (and haven't disabled the "remember me" option) there is no need to re-login several times.
@rajasimon technically, Franz is nothing less than a web browser that has been optimized for the supported messaging services. He does not need access to any API since he only uses the provided web services like
Amazing product. Can think of just improvement right away: Keeping the application session ON on closing the app window using the red "x" button like most Mac Apps. That is something I don't like about Chrome apps - also the WhatsApp app on my dock :)
Just downloaded it! Currently liking it a lot. I'm a project manager and use different tools to communicate with different team members and external clients. Sometimes it's a lot to have Google Hangouts and Slack and Skype open. I would love if LINE could be added.
Franz 5
eu/acc: European Accelerationism
Emoji Dictionary
Franz 5
Wakeout Kids
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5
Bouncy Ball
Franz 5
Franz 5
Take Control of TextExpander
Franz 5
Take Control of TextExpander
Franz 5
Franz 5
Franz 5