@_jacksmith It's a browser of messengers with each tab being the web interface of the messenger in use. The benefits over just launching each messenger as a tab in your browser are that it allows multiple sessions of the same messenger and centralizes the notifications.
You might know the problem: You might prefer Whatsapp and Telegram but a handful of other people you know are mainly using Facebook Messenger or Hangouts or Skype. Same with team messaging platforms like Slack and Hipchat. So you run a combination of open tabs and native applications but it feels a bit like the days before Adium and Trillian.
Franz is a quite elegant take on this. One Mac app that unifies them all. The nice thing about Franz is that unlike in other cross-platform messengers like Adium where some features of some platforms only work some of the time Franz is actually using the web based messengers underneath so whenever there is a new sticker pack or a new way to share gifs Franz supports it immediately.
@__tosh it might be great to have a mobile app for it which could be challenging but worth it. I think if you make it paid $2 to $5 orpeople will pay for it 😄 may be more .
@__tosh Love this! So useful. And such a smart implementation by making it all web!
One thing, could you add auto focus of text field when I cmd-tab into the app?
I love it! I would like an app like this for web mail also. I use mailplane for Gmail/Google, but I would love have access to iCloud and other web mail accounts from a single app.
This is really cool!
It'd be great though if there were a keyboard shortcut to switch between the messaging apps similar to tab switching in browsers (cmd + shift + "{", cmd + shift + "}", ctrl + tab, ctrl + shift + tab)
If you're using a German keyboard yourself, I realise the ones with curly brackets don't make much sense there, but they do on English ones :)
@pstoellberger@smalzner I guess it works, because the tabs in Franz are similar to rethemed chrome tabs?
However, if I middle-click on one of them Franz opens a new window of itself, just like a link in crome would. A Chrome-Tab would close itself...so not 100% sure about my explanation above :)
Looks like a decent way of getting rid of my tab-chaos. Any chance you could take the active sessions from Chrome and pull them into Franz so I don't have to re-login?
@oliverlukesch thanks, thats a very good questions. It may be super convenient to use chrome sessions but every Franz tab is sandboxed which allows you to use multiple instances of a service without them interfering each other. However, Franz stores those sandboxed sessions. So, once you've logged in (and haven't disabled the "remember me" option) there is no need to re-login several times.
@josef_trauner thank you for your feedback. "Mute all" is something that crosses my mind for quite a while now and I hope I'm able to add a nice solution for that soon.
@smalzner@josef_trauner Up Stefan, this would be super awesome for distracted people like me :D And thank you so much for this (already) amazing product
@bradherman I'll rollout the automated update over the weekend which is going to fix that. If you don't want to wait you can download the newest version of Franz on www.meetfranz.com
Definitely going to give it a try, however on first look I can't use Messenger. The text input box for typing is hidden below the border of the window and expanding the window doesn't fix it.
Cool! @smalzner Franz looks like a really cool product.
What are your plans? Are you going to develop it as a platform and add new messengers or it is just for fun?
@hnatkovskyy at the moment Franz is a sideproject I really care about. Over the next couple of days/weeks I'll look into it how people are using Franz and then I'll be able to decide what the next steps could/should be.
Hustle X